seven minutes to fall

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Summary: Eren is confused when Jean chooses to play seven minutes in heaven with him. 
Word count: 5.4k

This is all Armin's fault.

Eren was perfectly fine spending his Friday night at home, watching a movie or playing Animal Crossing or talking shit about people he doesn't like. Mikasa would've been fine with that too, but Armin insisted all three go to Historia's party.

And sure, Eren likes Historia, and he's friends or friendly with most people in attendance, but high school parties are outside his comfort zone, and not for the reason one expects.

He can handle a bunch of drunk sixteen year olds acting like morons, but he refuses to find entertainment in a bunch of sober sixteen year olds acting like morons. Unfortunately, his friend group falls in the second camp.

They're all gathered in Historia's ridiculously sized basement and playing seven minutes in heaven. Eren's eye twitched when Sasha suggested it for tonight's festivities. Whatever happened to chugging a beer and simply mingling with your friends? This is some middle school nonsense.

Eren's pretty sure he can't weasel out of this, so he's dreading his turn. To his relief, no one has picked him yet. If he has to get picked, he'd rather be first so he has free rein to choose someone to accompany him in the cursed closet. Although, it's not like he has anyone in mind. Eren's never kissed anyone, but he's also never had a serious crush before. There was that brief attraction to Historia, but Ymir always gave him a death glare whenever he tried to talk to her, so that was short lived.

At least Armin's having fun. He and Marco are the hot commodities of this game, it seems. They've already each had three girls request to spend seven minutes with them. The third time Armin exited the closet, Annie behind him, half of his shirt was unbuttoned and hanging off his shoulder. It gave Eren his first real laugh at this party, and probably the only one.

The most recent pair to emerge after seven minutes is Reiner and Historia. One look at both of them and it's obvious that nothing happened in there. Reiner looks like he's about to cry. Ymir looks like she just won the lottery.

"Okay, Historia," Sasha says. "Who's next?"

Since Historia was picked by Reiner, she now has the honors of choosing someone new. That person will pick their plus one, and the cycle continues. Eren wonders just how long they plan on playing this game before they switch to something else. He hopes it's sooner rather than later.

"I pick Jean," Historia declares.

Everyone turns toward Jean, Eren included. He's standing against the far wall, hands in his pockets. Up until now, Jean seemed even less interested in tonight's shenanigans than Eren. But at the mention of his name, an obvious uncertainty washes over him.

It's mean, but the left half of Eren's mouth curves upwards at Jean's discomfort. He doesn't hate Jean, but he's not a fan either. The two are often at each other's necks over the smallest of issues, usually because Jean is too stubborn to admit Eren is right. Eren is always right. Only an idiot like Jean assumes otherwise. Jean swears it's the other way around, but Eren doesn't have time for such stupidity.

So seeing Jean peer around like a deer caught in headlights, cheeks tinged red, yeah, Eren is going to bask in the glory. A speechless Jean Kirstein doesn't come around often. It's crazy how much more Eren enjoys being in the same room as Jean when the latter's mouth is shut.

Connie snickers. "This should be good," he says, standing between Bertholdt and a still broken hearted Reiner.

"Who's he gonna pick?" Bertholdt asks.

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