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Lightclan lives on the moors, ferns, undergrowth, and the odd tree providing effective shelter in lots of places. The camp is centered in the territory, a hollow reinforced with rocks and brambles. There are lots of weeds and dandilion stems that occasionally pop up between the crevices, and it's the apprentices' job to get rid of them. Near the Mapleclan border of the territory, is an old, sacred willow tree that many Lightclan cats practice climbing on. Mapleclan and Lightclan have often fought for the territory near it, called the sand rocks.

Waveclan lives primarily near the water. Their territory has most of the streams that supply the lake running hough it, though not necessarily big ones. In newleaf and greenleaf the banks are alive with voles, and hunting is easy. Like every other clan, there is a patch of marshy area by the lake, with reeds and mud. The medicine cats find this very useful, as it has the right conditions for lots of herbs to grow. There are also lots of silver birch trees, tainted by the watery scenery. Near the Springclan border is a grand, hollow filled birch tree called the hollow birch.  

Springclan lives in an open forest of birches and oak. There is a streams that runs right through the camp and into the big lake in the centre of the clans' territory. Rarely, there are one or two badgers that nest there every season, and Springclan warriors are trained specially to drive them out. The roots of the trees usually snake underground, providing lots of prey for the clans to feed on. 

Mapleclan is full of the thin, orange leafed trees. The cats of Mapleclan has such small, thin frames so that they can safely use the maple trees in their territory. Amoung the maples are pine trees, and the ground is usually littered with pinecones and dead leaves, as well as dirt, mud, and pieces of nature. Together, they make the forest floors of Mapleclan springy, which is why the cats of that clan are so used to pouncing up high. 

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