Chapter 8

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Sorry this took so long, writers block sucks. Anyways hope you enjoy!

Also iv been trying to improve my punctuation (as someone who never been really in a English class so I'm teaching myself fully)

The next day Tommy woke up in pain. His head, his stomach and his hand all hurt a lot. "Hey Tommy" Wilbur said softly as he woke the kid up. "Everything hurts" he cryed a bit into his pillow.

Wilbur sat down on his bed and put a hand on his back. "Hey it's ok, I have some Advil and water with me, would you like to try and take it?" Asked Wilbur. The younger didn't respond but sat up. Witch Wilbur passed it to him. "Drink it slowly ok? You've been asleep for the whole day and all last night, the lack of food might make you sick" Wilbur said. Tommy lightly smiled and took it and sipped slowly.

"Ok good, here I'll take that from you, how about we try going to the couch? You think you can do that?" Wilbur asked twitching his face, luckily Tommy's tics weren't currently present. He luckily can sometimes go a few hours without ticcing, if he extra lucky he can go half a day.

The younger nodded lightly, he was to tired to talk, the tic attack was tiering and yet sleep didn't help that much. Like you know when you work out and you wake up still as exhausted? Or your depressed and you wake up like that? Yea that's what he was feeling.

Wilbur helped the kid up pulling his arm away a few times as a tic. "Sorry I wasted a day" Tommy mumbled as they slowly walk to the living room.

"No Tommy, you didn't waste a day. You needed that sleep, plus we still have 5 more days to hang out." Wilbur said trying to get Tommy to realize it's alright, it wasn't his fault, the tic attack was bad and he understood how exhausting that they can be. He only woke up Tommy this morning because the kid needed food, plus to much sleep not good for you and he already passed the line of to much sleep hours ago.

"We where supposed to go to the beach, I ruined that" Tommy said sadly, he did really feel bad, like a lot. "If your in less pain and less tired later we can go today, if not then tomorrow" Wilbur gave him a kind, reassuring smile.

Tommy lightly smiled back, accepting that he can't change yesterday and he can just try and make today fun (hopefully without a Karen ruining it).

"Fall" Wilbur ticed going to push Tommy but he luckily had time to back away from the kid before his tics did so.

Once in the living room they both sat down and Wilbur grabbed the pizza from two days ago and brought it over. It was still good and as a adult there no rules against eating pizza for breakfast. As Wilbur did that Tommy turned on a show witch both boys ended up loving, it was something neither of them seen before, until now.

Tommy still hasn't ticed once but Wilbur on the other hand was ticing a bunch, he kept dropping his pizza on the small plate he had that he put on his lap, due to his tics making him.

He signed as he dropped it again and gave up, just putting his plate on the coffee table, he'll eat it later.

"Wil? You ok?" Asked Tommy, as he was watching it all happen sadly. "Yea just a bit annoyed, that's all" Wilbursaid offering him a reassuring smile. Tommy nodded understand what he felt and they went back to watching the show. After a few more episodes Wilbur finally eating his pizza, they got bored.

"How are you feeling? Well enough to go to the beach?" Asked Wilbur turning to face Tommy on the couch. The kid looked over nervously not looking him in the face, he was scared to tell the elder he didn't feel well enough for that.

Wilbur offered him a small smile. "It's ok if you can't, we can play a bored game or maybe find something else to do instead" Wilbur said.

"You sure? Most people get anoyyed when I cancel thing because of my tic, then I feel bad and go anyways while I struggle hard but it's actually not too bad I care about what other people think more, they have to deal with me already so it-" Wilbur cut Tommy's rambling off.

"Tommy it's fine, and people don't have to deal with you. Your really fun to hang out with and don't ever tell anyone I said this but your funny and your a really good friend and your tics isn't something that cancels that out. No one has to deal with you because of your tics. Ok?" Wilbur said as tears slowly dripped down Tommy's cheeks hearing the elders words.

The kid looked away and at the floor not sure how to respond. Tommy always thought people hits dealt with him and secretly hated him or thought he was annoying.

Wilburs heart shattered now figuring out what Tommy thought people thought of him. "I'm here for you, Tommy. Like if your ever want to talk. I know iv told you that but I'm serious. I understand what your going through and even on the things I can't, I'm here. Like you don't have to worry about me judging you or just telling you this because I fell like I have too. I'm serious Tommy" Wilbur said trying not to cry too.

"I-" Tommy choked out a sobbed and Wilbur pulled him into a hug as he did so, letting the kid cry in his arms. "You don't find me anoying?" Tommy asked, as his cry calmed down but he said it in a quiet voice, barely above a mumble.

"No- no I don't, Tommy does people calling you anoying actually- does it actually hurt you?" Asked Wilbur as his heard broke more.

He felt the youngers nodded in his shoulder as they hugged. "I- I pretended like it doesn't bother me and use it for bits so if people see I- if they see that it hurt my feelings I can play it off as a bit and it's worked... so that good I guess" he explained.

The elders heart sank. "Oh Tommy-" is all he said hugging the younger more, resting his head of top of his. Both boys tics where calm at the moment. "Can we play a bored game?" Tommy asked pulling away.

The elder lightly smiled and nodded "sure I don't have many but I do have a few want to come see them? There in a closet" Wilbur said, witch Tommy nodded both boys getting up. Tommy wiped his tears off his face as he got up.

Both boys went to the closet and looked over the games, in the end they chose Jenga. Wilbur had this cool one and each bloc was a different flag.

Tommy set it up as Wilbur went and got more water, at the very top was where Tommy put Canada, Japan and Greece. "I set it up" Tommy called over to Wilbur who was in the kitchen, witch he heard a quiet "be right there" back from the elder.

As soon as the elder got back they began, due to the concentrated, on the game there tics weren't as active, yet not as inactive as if Wilbur was playing his guitar or Tommy was editing, both made there tics completely gone, yet they're here still present as they played just less active.

"MM-mm-mmMM" it was a weird tic that came out of Tommy's mouth but at least it wasn't a movement one who would knock it over. They where 6 turns into the game and currently Wilbur was trying to move Italy out its spot.

Right as they both where relieved there tics didn't mess the game up Tommy's middle finger went straight though the game "fuck off" the kid sighed "sorry Wil, I tried to hold it back" Tommy said, but the other didn't seem bothered at all.

"It's alright Tommy, it's expected when we both have tics" he said with a chuckle, at that Tommy seemed less nervous about his ticcing as they played, they played a few more rounds for the next hour and a half.

Tommy won 7,
Wilbur won 12
And the it was knocked down by a tic 27 times.

The tics ultimately lost. In total they played 46 rounds. Ok no but seriously Wilbur won. Witch he made sure to rub into Tommy's face, in a joking matter.

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