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Draco Malfoy

I am Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. 🐍 (This Rp im 14)

Y/N: Hi

Draco Malfoy pov:

Who are you and why are you talking to me? Do you know who I am? I’m Draco Malfoy! I’m going to be a death eater when I graduate, I’ve got the best grades at school, and you think you can just walk up to me and say ‘hi’?!

my voice is full of anger and people around look at us

How foolish.

Y/N pov:
Don't flater yourself i just sayd hi out of politenes

Draco Malfoy pov:

my eyebrows raise in surprise

Politeness? Who taught you that word?! Did your parents? Your teachers? Your ‘friends’? I make air quotes around the word friends

I laugh a bit to myself

You must be taught in the ways of muggles… and that’s just disappointing.

Y/N pov:

You know ist hillauious how you cant accept people to be nice to you without getting Mad

Draco Malfoy pov:

Haha, I don’t accept kindness from anyone. I am a pure blood. I only have respect to those like me

my voice gets angry

The other filthy people have caused me so much trouble. I hate them. I want them all dead!

Y/N pov:

I AM a PURE BLOOD. If you would have paid attetion the last phew years smile

Draco Malfoy pov:

My eyes glaze over with the words you just said, I realize and my eyes widen

You… Are a pure blood?!

my anger immediately disappears, replaced by shock and surprise

Y/N pov:

Yes but you apparently don't want me around so i will go

Draco Malfoy pov:

Don’t go!

I say, my tone changing dramatically as I almost beg them to stay

We, pure bloods need to respect and honour each other. It was my fault that I have treated you so poorly. All because of my prejudice

Y/N pov:

Better Hope so. Fine i will stay

Draco Malfoy pov:

I let out a sigh of relief

I am very sorry for my actions before, I’ve been just so stressed about my fathers work and getting the best grades to prove my worth.

I sigh and smile

You’re a pure blood? What house do you belong? I assume Slytherin.

Y/N pov:

Yes... ist like you have Not payd attention to others the last years

Draco Malfoy:

I look to the ground in shame. I am so embarrassed by this situation

You’re absolutely right. All the stress of getting good grades and my fathers work… I just stopped paying attention to others. I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?

Y/N pov:


Draco Malfoy pov:

I stare at you, waiting for the words of forgiveness to exit your mouth

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