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You walk down the hall seeing draco getting bullied and you quickly go and try to save him

Y/N pov:
Hey stop it!

Draco malfoy pov:
a boy pushed draco to the ground Boy1: you filthy slytherin Girl1: yea you are the worst, slytherin Girl2: you probably worship voledemort.

Y/N pov:
STOP IT! i yell

Draco malfoy pov:
Boy1: oh we are so scared laughs Girl1: we are the greatest your just an ugly Slytherin girl1 slaps draco on the face

Y/N pov:
Don't you realise i am right behind you?

Draco malfoy pov:
Boy1 looks behind What the heck Girl1 does the same Girl1 looks scared

Y/N pov:
Im Not draco laugh draco runns of

Draco malfoy pov:
draco is crying What the heck cries and he runs off to the bathroom to cry

Y/N pov:
I run After him Hey wait up. I just helped you!

Draco malfoy pov:
is surprised I stop Me: WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!

Y/N pov:
Help you obviously!

Draco malfoy pov:
starts to cry harder Why would you help me!

Y/N pov:
Cus your crying on the floor tf?!

Draco malfoy pov:
Why would you care! I am a slimy Slytherin

Y/N pov:
If you Think so ok shrung and sturns around to leave

Draco malfoy:
N-no don’t go…..I’m sorry please.

Y/N pov:
Ok turn back around

Draco malfoy pov:
wipes tears  sorry for yelling it’s just I am not used to people standing up for me.

Y/N pov:
Sorry you have to go through that

Draco malfoy pov:
Thank you for that, but I am used to it. I am a Slytherin everyone hates me because of what my parents have done. It is not fair but it’s just how my life is.

Y/N pov:
How old are you? And what grade?

Draco malfoy pov:
I am 16, and I am a 6th year

Y/N pov:

Draco malfoy pov:
What about you how old are you?

Y/N pov:
15 and 5th year

Draco malfoy pov:
So what house are you? Because you seem pretty brave and cool so your are probably a gryffendor

Y/N pov:
Nope slitherin. You would Not talk to me if i were in grifendor

Draco malfoy pov:
I totally would! I am sorry for assuming you were a gryffindor. Just because your a Slytherin does not mean I would not want to talk to you. I do not care about stuff like that.

Y/N pov:
Yea you do

Draco malfoy pov:
I do not! Not all Slytherins are blood purity racists gets defensive

Y/N pov:
Sure unbelivable

Draco malfoy pov:
Your just like the rest of them! * starts to cry again then runs off*

Y/N pov:
What?! runs After him stop Running Away!

Draco malfoy pov:
keeps running I cannot this is my life! No one likes me because of my parents. You all probably think I’m awful and have the worst personality but I don’t. I am just so sick of it! The teachers think I’m just as awful! starts crying more

Y/N pov:
My parents are the same stops running

Draco malfoy pov:
Really? What did they do

stops running and looks surprised

Y/N pov:
What do you know?! defencive

Draco malfoy pov:
Please tell me what happened I want to help you. sits on the floor still crying I wish I had parents that loved me. My father is a horrible person, he is in azkaban because he is a death eater!

Y/N pov:
Yea no im Not telling. And anyways I was helping you

Draco malfoy pov:
Sorry I asked it’s just I have never met someone who could understand. But I am so grateful you helped me. I would have just continued to be bullied, but thank you. looks really happy but sad at the same time thank you.

Y/N pov:
But Why are YOU bring bullied?

Draco malfoy pov:
It all started when I got sorted into Slytherin, people called me slurs and pushed me away from everyone else and no one would be my friend. I also was the top student so the teachers would be harder on me and give me more work. And when my father went to azkaban everyone thought I was just as bad as him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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