chapter one

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Reid is a city boy and he works for the FBI and has a best friend called Aleza they have known each other since they were in diapers and have been there for each other ever since and has an eidetic memory.

I'm Aleza. I live in the city near the FBI with Reid just for my friends spence (Reid), Hotch, Morgan, JJ, Em and Garcie (Garcia) but thankfully get more customers other than them and just like Reid has an eidetic memory.

Present day.

I was walking up to Reid in their apartment when all of a sudden a loud, unidentifiable knock came at the door. "hey spence did you invite someone over" I said flicking Reid.

Reid came out confused wondering what all the commotion was about "what's all that noise A.J
I'm trying to read and I can-" he stopped mid sentence once what I said caught up with him.

We were both confused. Reid got his gun out and I rolled my eyes which said that he was being dramatic. "Reid I'm going to answer the door pug the gun away" I went to open the door while Reid was saying it was a bad idea.

I open the door and the best surprise of my life was there. I should mention it's my birthday and Reid gets me the best presents. Slowly I turn to Reid " please tell me this is a prank and that you knew he was here"

Reid gave a sheepish, shy, nerdy like grin which caused me to breath out a laugh into a giggle. " Thank you so much for bringing my uncle this means the world." I hugged him so tight.

My uncle Trevor came and hugged me tight as if he hasn't seen me in years. Granted he hasn't seen me for three years. I hear behind him a little giggle and that's what made my birthday even better. I crouch down "is that my little cousin lilly."

She laughs and runs straight to me. I start laughing and pick her up and spin her "hi Lilly how are you" I kiss her cheek and turn around to see Reid looking at me with adoration.

I roll my eyes and laugh at him " hey spence what you looking at" he blushes hard which makes me laugh a little more and lilly to giggle.

He went to make drinks me and him a coffee, lilly some juice and my uncle some beers. We keep spare for my family members as they are drinkers and me and Reid only drink when out with the other. "I was look at how great you'd do as a mom A.J."

My uncle looked at us as if we were crazy and spoke up finally. "Aleza, Reid why do you call each other those names but when it comes to others you don't let us."

We look at each other and we think about it. Reid speaks up "well we only call each other those names because of how close we are. Only friends as close as us would have nicknames just for each other for example us two." I laughed a little

I look to him as if to say I know your not don't so he sighs "Nicknames are important in the my old house, sacred and a problem when they come from the wrong person. Same when anyone has a best friend as close as us." That caused me and my uncle to burst out laughing

Reid smiles a little but looks a little offended which made me feel bad a little "Spence?" He hums in acknowledgement "were not laughing at you were laughing at how cute it was that you had an explanation at the ready" I smile at him sympathetically

He hugs me and smiles I obviously hug him back and whisper to each other "everything always has an explanation you just have know it. It's just a race to who can say it quicker." Then we both laugh.

A few hours later

My uncle Trevor was offering to play poker with actual money against me and Reid which caused us to laugh "uh you sure you want to play poker against us Trev I mean every time we play you look a good couple hundos to us"

We ended up playing and my uncle gets upset because like I warned him we beat him and he lost $200. "okay Trev why don't me and Reid drop you off home before you loose anymore money." We all decided okay that's fair

We sit him in the back seat with lilly, Reid's driving and I'm in the passenger seat. We get to his and I knock on the door and Anna my uncles girlfriend opens up and we hand her lilly. "hi sorry didn't think he would drink that much which I should have. I already fed lilly because of how late it is and she's asleep"

Anna laughs and said it was okay and that she can go to sleep early tonight which made us all laugh. Me and Reid when back to car. "do you want to get something to eat spence?" He nodded and chose where to eat he chose Fiola.

We had a great time and talked for a bit. On the way to car I thanked him. "hey spence I really want to thank you for this day it's been really fun and...and it's just amazing what you did for me."

He blushed and I thought it was adorable. About an hour later me and Reid got hom around 11pm and we were exhausted so when we got home we had a coffee talked a little and when to sleep around 12am.

Before I reached my door Reid came to me and asked me a question. "A.j you know how you have 4 PhDs in criminology and scienceology how would you like to join the FBI analysis unit." I looked at him and nodded then went to bed

Reid's and Aleza's friendship Where stories live. Discover now