chapter two

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I was in a deep sleep. Dreaming of how my first day at the FBI behaviour analysis unit was going to go next thing I know water is thrown over me and I'm being dragged out of my bed by Reid.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a pint glass and a soaked sponge, I hide the sponge behind my back, filled the pint glass with water, walked up to Reid, and took a sip. Reid started to laugh nervously "you know Spence, you really don't want to mess with me." I took another sip. Next thing me and Reid were both soaked in water.

We both stared at each other amusement in our eyes. I got the sponge from behind my back and smacked it on top of Reid's head. I burst into laughter and Reid chuckled. Next thing I know he's chasing me around the room but he has long legs and caught up to me in my room.

He picked me up threw me on my bed and tickled me. I tried tickling him back but I couldn't. "Reid...please...I-i can't bre-breath." I said between laughs. He stopped after another minute.

I took some deep breaths to calm myself which helped after a couple minutes. We were both giggling a little looking on up at my roof. "A.J we need to get ready for work we have an hour." I sat up quickly.

I jumped up off my bed and started pacing which I assume Reid found runny because he was laughing I glared at him. "Get out I need to change.  Wait though what do I wear." Reid laughed a little and shook his head and said something casual but something smart as well.

My outfit:

The top:

The bottom:

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The bottom:

The bottom:

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The shoes:

Once I was dressed I walked out of my room I realised what about my job

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Once I was dressed I walked out of my room I realised what about my job. "hey spence." His head popped out of his room as if to say yeah. "what about my job at the café down town"

He looked down in thought and said something that I thought was easier said than done "why don't you just say you quit just like that" I scoffed

I sat down at the counter and said "it's not that easy with James. You don't quit he fires you it's as if your not allowed to do anything unless he says your allowed." I sighed.

He walked up to you and put his hand on my shoulder just as I was thinking about James which caused me to jump a little. "then I'll ask hotch to do something about it. He owes me a favour anyway." I breathed out a laugh as Spencer smiles at me adoringly,

I took a deep breath feeling a little better and made me and Reid a cup of coffee. In mine I add two teaspoons of sugar and milk and for Reid's I add about 10 teaspoons of sugar with milk which causes me to laugh a little.

Reid looks up at me confused and questioning my laugh "What are you laughing at you look like a crazy person." I slowly stopped

Still giggle I pipe up and comment "I was just thinking if you like coffee why do you add so much sugar. Unless you don't like coffee and you use it to stay awake? For you know." I slowly started to fade out the question 

He just stared at me waiting for me to finish my sentence. "I like coffee just not how bitter it is and yes I also use it for that other reason." I look down

I tried to look as happy and not sympathetic as possible so he wouldn't feel upset "How are things going with the dreams and don't lie and can tell when you lie because 1: you sleep next door 2: you sleep talk/murmur." We both looked down.

Reid took a deep breath actually he took a couple deep breaths and finally filled the awkward silence. "I-i can't explain it it's the same dream from when I was younger. For some reason it's better when I don't sleep alone. Probably because my mum used to comfort me when I dreamt it." I smiled a little.

I walked around the counter and hugged Reid as tight as possible. Then Morgan came in. To be honest I forgot him and Garcia had a key. "Ooo looky looky at lover boy. You go my man" I looked up in confusion

I rolled my eyes once I realised who it was before I hugged Morgan too. "Hey Morgan what do you need? We don't have to be in for another 30 mins." I hugged Garcia as well

He walked up to Reid and patted his back "well I came to see if you and reid wanted a lift since he rarely drives." I looked to Reid a little confused and angry

He looks down a little embarrassed and Morgan a little confused. Clearly he didn't know. "Reid when I allowed you to take my car to work every day you said you would. So question. Why don't you use it." He look up a little and Morgan backs to the door "Morgan stay" I said a little angry.

Reid stood up finishing his too sweet of a coffee and walked towards me "I don't use it because you drive an automatic car and I drive stick." Hearing that I cooled down and laughed a little.

Me, Morgan and Garcia laughed. "Reid if you didn't know what car I drove why did you ask to drive it. Second of all why didn't you just ask me to drive you to work I'm your best friend and I don't start til work later than you." He look relieved.

I grabbed my car keys and apartment keys and walked to the door. "come on guys let's get to work." Garcia and Morgan looked confused.

I looked to them just as confused. "Reid did you even ask if I could work at the BAU?" He looked fake offended.

"Of course. I called Hotch who called madame strause who said you could work since you as smart as me as Morgan would call you your a 'mini me'." Which caused all to laugh.

We all left mine and Reid's apartment and made it to the BAU ten minutes early. Me and Reid laughing at our jokes which sadly no one else would understand.

Hotch came out of his office and called for me "Miss Beafort, can you come to my office please?" I took a deep breath I don't know why I was nervous he was my friend just as I thought that Reid, Morgan and Garcia patted my back.

I walked up the stairs which felt like an eternity. " You wanted to speak with me Aaron I mean SSA hotchner." I took a deep breath and gulped.

He nodded and hugged me then patted my back "please take a seat and at work call me hotch " we talked what felt like forever and he explained how I'm not allowed to be on my own and that I had to have at least one member of the team with me at all time.

We walked out and just in time JJ came out. She hugged me tight saying hi "Aleza hi." She breathed a laugh. "What are you doing here." I explained how I worked here now.

All my friends came up to me Reid, JJ, Morgan, Garcia, Emily and Hotch piped up and said "so who wants to babysit our youngest member of our team." They all voted Reid poor thing good thing we're best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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