Prologue- A Chance Encounter

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One look. One look was all it took to send sparks flying . She was beautiful, her hair wild , her teeth sharp and her eyes bright. She was one of them , Mother had warned me about them. Werewolves. They were dangerous and violent creatures that took refuge deep in the woods , feeding from farmers livestock and the occasional lost traveler. Or at least that's what I was taught.

But as she held my hand guiding me back towards the path gently chiding me for wandering so far,I knew mother was wrong. And I knew I had to see her again.

And so I did

I must have gotten "lost" at least three times before she clicked on that I was doing it on purpose, eventually we just arranged meetings with each other. We talked for hours and hours about our lives. She was fascinated by my seemingly mundane human life and I was fascinated by the intricacies of her werewolf one. As the frequency of our visits grew so did our friendship, but she would never let me get too close. She couldn't. All it would take was one slip of the tongue from myself and her entire pack would be in danger.


Despite it all , I wanted more. I loved her in so many ways I'd never be able to tell her. How I wished I was the fiery protagonist who uprooted her life for her lover but I couldn't do that, my Grandmother needed me and after everything she did for both my Mother and I over the years I couldn't abandon her in her time of need.

So I waited. Waited for the right time to tell her. Waited for the day I could take her home and tell Mother about her. But I waited too long. When I came home one spring afternoon my Mother had squandered any chances of the life I had been dreaming of. And worst of all, she had no idea. In her mind she was doing what was best for me. Keeping me safe and securing a comfortable life for both myself and my future children.

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