Chapter 1- The Beginning Of The End

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I stumbled through the front door two hours after the time my mother had wanted me back home. We did this every week. She'd send me out with a purse full of coins.She wanted me out of the way while she cleaned. She'd tell me to be back by 4 and I'd cross the threshold of our home at 6:30. She'd glare at me over the top of her glasses and I'd lift up a basket bursting with foraged food. Berries, mushrooms and herbs, all things she loved cooking with but couldn't really afford  in the market. She'd smile and take the basket from me, rifling through it and excitedly telling me all the things she was going to cook. Then grandma would help set the table while we cooked a late but delicious dinner.

Mother had no idea why I was out so long, she just assumed foraging took up that much time. It didn't. At the most I'd spend half an hour forging, what took up most of my time was Luna. She was one of the few joys I had been afforded in this life. She was the moon to my tides. She was the soft light that filtered through my window on a Sunday morning. She was my everything and I loved her with every fibre of my being. We'd spend hours talking and cuddling interspaced with fits of joyous laughter. I wished I could take her home for dinner like you would with any other partner, but I doubt my Mother would take kindly to me returning home late hand in hand with a werewolf. So we cherished the small amount of time we had together.

Unfortunately for us today was, for lack of a better word, different...

I stumbled through the threshold late as usual, foraged goods in tow, but this time my Mother didn't give me a half hearted glare over her glasses. This time she truly was angry.

"For the love of everything holy Red when I told you I needed you home by 5 I meant it!" she turned her attention to an older gentleman in a lavish suit seated on our couch, he looked incredibly out of place in our old cottage. "I promise she's usually more punctual"

"I'm sure what she lacks in time keeping she will make up for in other areas"

I huffed in frustration "It's incredibly rude to talk about someone when they're stood not even a meter from you. Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

The man got up from his seat and walked up to me, offering his hand. I shook it politely, a twinkle came to his eye. "Ah! A firm grip, that is always a sign I am in good company" he smiled at me before continuing "My name is Fredrick Williams I am here on behalf of my son Hunter, who is currently looking for a wife. I put out an advertisement asking for submissions and your mother put you forward. After speaking with your mother it has been decided that you shall be coming to my home this weekend to meet my son! How exciting!"

I gawked at him in disbelief unable to string together any words to truly express how I was feeling. Anger, frustration, confusion and a myriad of other emotions came in nauseating waves. Eventually I managed to turn to my mother and let out a strained "what?"

Her gaze softened as she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Listen Red, I know you said you're happy as you are without a husband for the time being but you aren't getting any younger and neither am I. I want to see my little girl get married. On top of that this man is offering us a life far beyond what we could have every imagined. Just give it a try. Please?" While my Mother's tone and gaze stayed soft she spoke with such finality that I know there wasn't any getting out of this. At least for the time being. I shifted my gaze to Fredrick.

"So when will you be coming for me?"

"6 in the afternoon Tomorrow. I expect you packed and ready when I arrive. Oh! And do ensure you pack something formal! You'll be staying for the weekend and joining us for dinners and other such activities."

Perfect ... just perfect

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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