A broken junior

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The next day Seth got up before everyone who slept in and went to school he walked to his locker and just kept getting mocked he is depressed he wants his brothers but he can't because if one secret about his feelings for dean come out Seth will absolutely die he walks to class and he still gets ridiculed he asked the teacher if he could leave and she allowed it he went to his locker grabbed his stuff and walked home he walked inside and saw randy who looked at him then at the time he didn't care if it got out he needed his brothers he walks to Randy and just cries his eyes out Randy holds him then takes him to his room and lays on Randy who holds him
Randy-lil bro what's wrong
Seth-I can't walk the halls without people mixing or ridiculing me I looked online and it's getting worse I just want to die
Randy-shh don't say that we could never get over loosing you
Seth-randy I have other secrets but I can't say
Randy-why not
Seth-because all of you will hate me especially dean
Randy-why would dean hate you
Seth-just hold me please
Randy holds Seth as he cries himself to sleep he feels bad for his little brother he doesn't know how to help and he wishes he could but he's also wondering what could possibly upset dean if it got out

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