Chapter 4: Awakening

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𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

I regain my consciousness, when i see clearly again i immediately realize im at school.

But im moving, but im not controlling that? I dont control anything i do, like im just spectating everything from someone else's eyes.

I try my best to remember what happened, the realization hits me.

I had that terminal disease, i was in the hospital. I remember talking to Kyle while feeling extremely weak. Then i blacked out, everything after that is a blur 

I'm not suprised by the fact i died, im more suprised by the fact i havent woken back up in my room like always. Instead im like watching some sort of movie, this bullshit is so confusing.. 

I am unable to move my arms or speak, what the actual fuck is going on?

'I' walk towards the locker, 'my' right arm opens it and i immediately recognize the sleeve. This is the sleeve of the jacket Butters wears all the time. 

Am i in Butters' body?

Okay, this is way too weird. I died, and instead of waking up back in my room i'm seeing everything from butters' eyes.

Some loud noise is coming from the classroom, i'm assuming it's Cartman. Cause no one else in my class is this fucking loud. 

Butters enters the classroom, some people look at him with a disgusted look, did something happen while i was gone? 

I notice Kyle and Cartman arguing, not that it's new but Kyle looks more pissed off then usual. 

I'm so confused about everything. Cartman seems to have noticed Butters aswel. 

Lets just watch this..

'Guys he's here! He actually showed up!'

What is Cartman on about this time? God, if i had to guess it's not something good.

'I didn't really have much of a choice, Eric.'

Glad to hear Butters is talking back to him, it's still so weird.. It felt like it was my mouth moving to say that word. 

'You are so lame Butters, atleast admit. I got you so good!'

Okay, so im assuming Cartman pulled some dumb prank on Butters.

But what would end up in Kyle about to actually kill Cartman, Kyle doesn't even care THAT much about Butters. 

'You got me good? Eric. You put my best friends ashes in milk and told me it was chocolate milk and i drank it. I drank the remains of Kenny. This is way too far, you know?' 

I'm speechless. Absolutely speechless, what did i just hear? Butters got forced to drink my ashes? What the fuck? 

I thought Cartman couldn't get worse but i was so wrong. 

'It was just an small prank you wuss!'

That's when Kyle walks up to Cartman. Shit is about to go down.

'I agree with Butters, this was way too fucking far you fatass!'

Cartman rolls his eyes, dude what is wrong with him? 

'Come on, who really cares? Butters is a stupid loser and kenny was poor'

Is he really talking about how i was poor while im literally dead. 

'Are you seriously gonna shit talk about Kenny right now? He's dead you fucking fatass!' 

Atleast Kyle is coming up for me.. Thank god.

'Aye, first off. I am not fat, im bigboned. Second off it's not like he is here and knows im doing this.' 

Cartman smirks after saying that.

Well, obviously i know that he is doing this, but what the actual fuck man..

I'm seriously so confused on how he could go this far to making butters drink my ashes. I wanna punch him so badly, i wanna yell at him for this shit

But no, i can't cause im just like an spectator right now. God this is so incredible annoying. 

There goes Kyle again.. 

'How the hell did you even manage to get Kenny's ashes?' 

Good question honestly.. 

'I just snuck into their poor house at night. It was pretty easy honestly.' 

What did i even expect from Cartman? Of course that fatass would do that without hesitation.. 

Then Kyle and Cartman continue arguing but i can't understand shit. 

After a while i finally hear Cartman say something which is understandable 

'Come on, everyone has to agree with me that Kenny got what he deserved for being poor!' 

Im so done with his bullshit

I wanna talk back to him so fucking badly. 

'For the last fucking time i can't do anything about being poor!'

What the hell? I just said that through butters' body?

The entire class goes silent and turns to look at butters. 

Well shit..


Sorry that i wasnt continuing the story, i didnt have alot of motivation 😭 Also apologies if the spelling is wrong or if its cringe im not the best at writing 😭🙏

gay gay homosexual gay

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