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Paige's hands trembled as she rummaged through the boxes of old family photos. The family tree report for school seemed like a mundane assignment, but she had decided to give it a shot and make it look like she had done some research. As she immersed herself in the memories captured in the photographs, a mix of nostalgia and curiosity washed over her.

However, amidst the familiar moments, Paige couldn't help but notice a peculiar pattern. All the pictures seemed to be from her preteen years, with none from her earlier childhood. This realization piqued her interest, prompting her to delve deeper into the mystery.

Then, she stumbled upon a photo that made her heart skip a beat. It depicted a beach trip, and everyone in her family was present—her mother, her father, her older brother, and her little sister. But standing right in the middle, with a mischievous smile and familiar eyes, was Heather Sinclair, someone Paige had always thought was just a classmate.

Paige's mind raced with confusion and disbelief. How was Heather Sinclair, a person she believed she knew from school, in her family's photos? And why was she absent from this particular picture?

Overwhelmed by her thoughts, Paige decided to confront her parents and seek the truth. She found them in the living room, engaged in hushed conversation.

"Mom, Dad, we need to talk," Paige said, her voice trembling with urgency and a touch of frustration.

Her parents exchanged hesitant glances, their faces filled with guilt. They had kept a secret from her for far too long, and it was time to come clean. They motioned for Paige to sit down, mustering the courage to reveal the truth that weighed heavily on their hearts.

"Paige, there's something important we need to tell you," her mother began, her voice laced with remorse. "You suffer from a condition called dissociative identity disorder, or DID."

Paige's eyes widened in shock, a mix of disbelief and apprehension flooding her mind. "DID? You mean, multiple personalities?"

Her father nodded, his voice filled with compassion. "Yes, sweetheart. Heather Sinclair is not just a classmate; she is a part of you, an alter. DID causes different identities, or alters, to emerge as a way to cope with difficult experiences."

Paige's world seemed to spin as the truth sank in. The person she thought she knew was, in fact, a fragment of herself.

"But... why? Why didn't you tell me before?" Paige asked, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and hurt.

Her parents exchanged pained glances, their own guilt evident. "We wanted to protect you, Paige. We thought it was best to reveal this information to you when we believed you were ready to understand and accept it. We're sorry for keeping it from you."

Paige's emotions surged, a torrent of questions and uncertainties flooding her thoughts. She felt a mixture of anger, confusion, and a longing for understanding.

Paige's anger burned brightly as she retorted, "Easier? Keeping such a significant part of my identity hidden? How could that ever be easier? It feels like a betrayal!"

Her mother reached out, her voice filled with remorse. "Paige, we understand that it may seem that way now, but we were trying to protect you. We weren't sure how to approach the subject or when it would be the right time."

"Paige, please calm down!" her father pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

"Don't call me Paige!" she snapped back, her anger surging. "I'm Heather, or maybe some other person I don't even know! I have DID, remember?"

Startled by the commotion, Paige's younger sister, Holly J, entered the room, concern etched on her face. She had known about Paige's condition all along, but had kept it a secret, respecting Paige's privacy.

"What's going on? Why are you yelling?" Holly J asked, her voice filled with worry.

Paige's frustration intensified, tears streaming down her face. "They've hidden this from me, Holly J. They never bothered to tell me about my dissociative identity disorder."

Holly J exchanged a worried glance with their parents, realizing the depth of Paige's hurt and anger. She stepped closer to her sister, her voice filled with compassion. "Paige, I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but they asked me not to. They thought it was best for you to find out when you were ready."

Her parents approached cautiously, their eyes filled with remorse. "Paige, we understand that you're upset, and we should have been more open with you," her mother admitted, her voice laden with guilt.

Paige's anger began to wane, giving way to a mix of sadness and longing. She looked at her sister, her voice softer but still wounded. "I need time, Holly J. This betrayal has hurt me deeply. I don't know if I can trust any of you right now."

Holly J nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "I'll give you the time you need, Paige. But know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

With those words, Paige turned and stormed out of the room, her footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. Her family was left behind, their hearts heavy with regret and remorse, watching her disappear into the distance.

Author's note: so me and some friends on discord had this "theory" that Paige and Heather were the same person after what happened in the one mini episode and after playing around with an AI writer it produced this. This so solely for fun though.

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