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Day's room was in semi-darkness. Mork went to the dressing table to turn on the table lamp and take the book they had started reading some time ago. Day was talking to his mom on the ground floor, and in order not to interfere with their privacy, Mork went up to the room first. The desk lamp illuminated only a small space of the room, but it was enough for reading. Mork settled himself at the foot of the bed, with his back to the door, and opened the desired page. He can read a little while waiting for Day, despite Day's instruction not to read the general book alone, so as not to spoil the surprise. At least his voice will sound more confident when he rereads these lines already to Day – this excuse makes Mork not feel very guilty for a slight deviation from the promise.

...You're always dancing. There is my protégée here, she is young, invite her.

...He offered her a waltz tour. That expectant expression of her face, ready for despair and delight, suddenly lit up with a happy, grateful, childish smile. "I've been waiting for you for a long time," this frightened and happy girl seemed to say with her smile that shone because of the tears ready to roll down from her eyes, raising her hand on his shoulder...

Mork smiled, imagining the happy face of a young girl waiting to be invited to dance at her first ball. He imagines her standing on tiptoe, inspecting the dancers and dancing a little with them to the beat of the music. He smiles, imagining how she stretches her beautiful long neck to see the emperor waltzing with the most beautiful woman at the ball, and how she can't wait to be in her place herself.

...She danced excellently. Her feet in satin ballroom shoes did their job quickly, easily and independently of her, and her face shone with the delight of happiness. He chose her because his friend pointed her out to him and because she was the first of the pretty women to catch his eye; but as soon as he embraced this thin, mobile, trembling figure and she stirred so close to him and smiled so close to him, intoxication hit him in the head: he felt himself revived and rejuvenated when, catching his breath and leaving her, he stopped and began to look at the dancers...

Mork easily imagines a huge hall with dancing people in European costumes of the last century and thinks for a second about the influence Day had on him. In his past life, before he met Day, he rarely found time to read books, and if there was time, he preferred short stories consisting mainly of dialogues or manga, so he had never read complex books written in ornate language with multi-page descriptions and filled with the thoughts of the main characters, and his imagination it was very flat. But since he started working for Day, reading to him a variety of books from the family library, which Day would point out, his imagination began to open up a completely new world full of people of different classes, unknown animals whose names he had never heard, places he had never visited. And the more he read, the brighter and richer his imagination was.

Mork came out of his reverie and turned the page, running his eyes over the lines.

....He, like all people who grew up in high society, liked to meet in society what did not have a secular imprint. And such was she, with her surprise, joy, and timidity, and even mistakes in the French language. He treated and spoke to her especially tenderly and carefully. Sitting next to her, talking to her about the simplest and most insignificant subjects, he admired the joyful sparkle of her eyes and smile, which referred not to the words spoken aloud, but to her inner happiness. While she was being chosen and she stood up with a smile and danced around the hall, he admired her timid grace...

"I think I hear a promise being broken."

Mork turned sharply at the voice and saw Day in the doorway. He was looking right at Mork, recognizing where the sound of his voice was coming from. Mork swallowed and put the book aside, memorizing the place where he stopped. He understands that he was so carried away by reading that he did not hear the creak of the third step from above, and after all, it creaked really loudly and it was difficult not to hear it.

✔Turn around (morkday last twilight series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora