vampire's were love

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( in this version, vampires can go in the sunlight )

Isagi was in desperate need of money. The rent for his apartment was to be due soon, but he didn't have enough of it as his parents had passed not too long ago and he had no other relatives who'd be willing to take him in.

He had been desperately, mindlessly searching for jobs for months on end to absolutely no luck. And when all seemed to be hopeless, he managed to land an interview with someone he was going to meet with today. Despite not having any idea of what the potential job was, he really didn't have another option and so decided, what the hell?

Eventually, his interviewer revealed that his new job would be at the Bloodmoon, a massive mansion that was home to the vampire lords, the Itoshi brothers and Chigiri siblings.

He would be their personal butler, but one condition to work as one was the fact that he wasn't allowed to leave the mansion upon entering. Should he leave without permission, the vampires were likely to kill him on the spot. It was strange, but seeing that he had no other choice, Isagi had signed the contract with hesitation.

And two days later, a limo had brought him to the mansion. During the whole duration of the trip, he'd been blindfolded so that he didn't have a way of knowing the directions to the place, and had not been allowed to pack any personal belongings.

It took about 9 hours of nonstop driving, but when they finally arrived, Isagi couldn't help but gape at the sheer size of the place.

"This is where the vampire lords live?" He'd asked, earning affirmative answers from the driver and vampire guard who had been assigned to escort him.

He was then promptly taken to the butler quarters, from where he was given his appropriate attire and met his two butler friends - Kurona Ranze and Meguru Bachira.

At first, he had been assigned to be the personal butler for Itoshi Sae, but it didn't take long for the latter to replace him with another newly hired assistant, Ryusei Shidou, an overly zesty blonde who had a rather questionable behavior. Isagi didn't know why he was replaced by that man, but he didn't mind as he was soon reassigned to assisting Itoshi Rin, the younger brother.

He didn't work all that well with Sae anyway, so if anything, he was rather grateful for the reassignment. However, during the very first time that he'd met Itoshi Rin, his new Master, he had been assaulted by an overwhelming smell of a mixture of pure roses and strawberry.
The scent that meant only one thing for werewolves such as himself.

(Two weeks later)

"It's actually not that bad here," Kurona is saying in the butler quarters. "I mean, not as bad as I thought it would be. The lords are decent mannered, at least."

It's currently just after midnight, and the maids and butlers alike were dismissed from duty not too long ago and are now in their respective quarters.

"Yeah," Isagi agrees, taking a sip out of his coffee. "I thought I would for sure die as soon as I stepped into this place. I'm seriously not kidding when I say that."

"Same though!" Bachira chuckles. "I thought Master Hyoma would be more intimidating!"

"Dunno bout him, but his sister, the Mistress, is really nice," Kurona supplies. "What about the brothers?"

"Huh? Oh. The first time I met Master Sae... well, he was... cold," Isagi was obviously struggling to find a suitable description for the said male. "His brother is nice enough though. To some degree, at least. Somewhat."

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