Chapter 10

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Harry and I walked up to the front door without being bombarded by any of his fans or the paps, the sign read closed but there was a car in the lot so I knocked. After knocking twice the door was momentarily opened by a tall Latino women who looked to be mid thirties. She looked stunned to see Harry. He didn't seem to be phased by it in the slightest.

"Hello, how can I help you two?" She asked.

"Hi I am Cora and well ya see I saw the help wanted poster just outside and I was wondering if maybe you had any positions open for a hostess?" I asked kindly holding my resume in my hand. She smiled kindly at me before opening the door fully letting Harry and I come into the club.

"Well come on in" She said leading us over to an empty circular booth.

"Thank you" I said sitting down as Harry sat close to me and the women sat across from us.

"I'm Linda Cob, the owner of the club, well co owner,  by the way." She said as she gestured for my resume. She looked down at my resume studying it.

"Impressive." she says as she scans through it. I glanced over to see Harry looking at me and giving a small reassuring smile.

"So you're a townie huh?" She asked.

A townie is a person who has generations of their family that lived in Santa Barb. I unfortunately was one of them, they were classified as snobs, but my family, actually my father and I, hated to consider ourselves them because we were certainly not held to their standards. My mother liked it, she always liked the town gossip which drove me insane. Then when I went off the rails she started being at the center of the gossip and hated it. She was ashamed of her crackhead daughter. That was one thing that always bothered me about my mom. She was so worried about what other people thought of her. That's probably half the reason why we moved all the way across the pond.

"My family has lived here for a while" I said smiling trying to avoid the question.

"You look familiar, have I seen you around here before?" She asked.

"Never been to this club before." I lied.

I had been here before but I was underage and got snuck in by Troy and a few of his friends and shortly after we got in we got kicked out for doing some dumb shit thing I can't remember.

"Never been here before?!" She asked smiling.

"This is the best damn club on the strip!" She spoke the truth.

"I mean just now it has a world famous pop star sitting in one of its very own booths." she said laughing as Harry smirked unamused. I laughed along with her as she asked me a few more questions about my experience as an event coordinator. She basically told me I got the job, she just had to approve me through her co-owner, her husband and then she would give me a call of when I would start. She asked Harry to sign the 'Wall of Fame' before the we left. He showed no emotion and flatly wrote his name upon the wall.

"Such a peach that one." I whispered to Linda making her giggle.

"Oh honey but what a babe." she said pretending to faint causing me to chuckle. I said my good byes and Harry and I walked out. I unlocked the car and we both got in.

"Do you need anything before we head home?" I asked as I pulled out of the lot.

"I don't know, got any booze at the house?" he asked me.

"Ya right- isn't that against my dads no alcohol policy" I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm 22, I should at least be able to enjoy a drink." He said getting cranky.

I ignored him comment not wanting to poke the beast. Our drive home was silent, and calming. It was only 11 by the time we got home. I noticed Dad was out and he left a note on the counter saying he had gone to the bank. Harry went into his room above the garage and I went into my room.

I decided to go outside and sit on the beach and read. I only had a short while before I would start working so I wanted to take all the relaxing time I could get. I grabbed my go to summer read, A Walk to Remember, and made my way down to the beach. As I sat on the beach I noticed a few boats constantly riding on by.

Both boats had men with huge cameras, they stayed their distance, probably due to property violations. The men were paparazzi most definitely, I felt so invaded. I wonder if harry felt like this all the time or if he was just used to it by now. I shook my head and went back to my reading. Before I knew it the sun was setting and I had about 30 pages left in my book.

"Cora, Dinner!" I heard my father yell knocking me out of my trance. I doggie eared my page and walked back into the house. I set my book down on the counter and walked to the already set table with a huge bowl of spaghetti on it. It looked delicious, My dad was pouring the last glass of water and Harry was already sitting at the table with his usual flat look.

"You were out there all day." My dad said chuckling at me as he took his seat.

"Ya I know, I was just really into my book I guess." I told him as I took a bite of the spaghetti.

"Harry will you pass me the cheese." My father asked as Harry slid him the grated cheese container.

Harry barely touched his food and remained silent as me and my dad conversed.

"So I see you too resolved the misunderstanding" My dad said.

"It really wasn't that serious john." Harry said with attitude as he took a sip of his water.

"Ya well lets not let that happen again please, I hate to be woken up. What were you doing up so early anyways?" My dad asked Harry.

"Nothing" Harry said flatly.

"So you were just up at that time for no reason. Don't tell me you stayed up all night again?" My father asked with a worrisome look on his face. My dads use of the word again answers my question early about if him not sleeping happens often. I wonder why?

"I'm not talking about this John" Harry said getting up and walking out into the back yard. Dad got up about to go outside after Harry. I felt this urge to go and talk to Harry, so I stopped my father.

"Dad, let me" I said walking out after Harry. My dad looked a little taken back but let me go.

"Harry" I called.

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