Chapter 1: The Birth Of Venom

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Once a hero, always a hero. Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, had always been a symbol of justice and heroism in New York City. But one fateful night, everything changed. While on a routine patrol, a meteorite lands near and an extraterrestrial submerges from the rock and starts to follow Peter to his apartment by attaching itself to his motorcyle as Peter rides back to his apartment. Peter suddenly hears ominous squishy noises as he lifts himself from the bed then slowly heads back to sleep. The goo starts climbing the wall. It makes a weird alien noise as it sticks to the wall of Peter's apartment, slowly, with effort and grace. It moves closer, and closer to the sleeping Spider-Man's room. The goo quickly crawls into Spider-Man's bedroom in silence without being noticed. The goo then sticks to the ceiling above Peter's bed as it looks down at his unconscious worked out body. 

Peter slowly opens his eyes as he was still half asleep then looks up at his ceiling to notice a black substance on his ceiling. The goo remained still and silent, it was observing him. Waiting to make its first move. Peter looks at it and suddenly goes full alert. His eyes are wide, his pupils dilated, his heart races, as he slowly sits up. He starts to sweat nervously. The goo remains silent. Peter notices the black goo and slowly reaches out to touch it as he got curious to know what it was. It's gooey substance pulses beneath Peter's finger. The goo looks into Peter's eyes, it's dark voids, staring into Peter, waiting for him to do something. Peter felt fear, but something inside him was drawn to it, he was pulled towards it, something primal and needy pulling at him. Its stare at Peter hypnotically. "What exactly are you?" Peter says curiously as he felt hypnotically drawn to the black substance. The goo makes an odd hypnotic, hissing sound like a snake, and then begins to speak. The voice has a strange and alien cadence, the S's hissed like a serpent, It's voice is cold, and distant. It's was almost like an alien, but all at once almost masculine and human-like. "We are a s-s-symbiote." "A symbiote?" Peter replies "Well, what do you want and why did you come to me?" Peter asked politely as he starts feeling anxious. The symbiote makes another alien, hissing sound. The goo slowly slithers down off the ceiling, coming closer to Peter. It answers: "Your body. Your strength. Your essence. We want you."

Peter suddenly jumps from his bed as he was only in his underwear shorts. "Woah!" he replies as he slowly crawls backwards as the Symbiote sensed a feeling of some sort of connection as he stares at the black goo before he could hand out to touch the goo. The Symbiote slowly slithered towards Peter then slowly placed a tendril towards his fingers. The black goo felt cold and sticky. It's form pulsates, it looked like it was alive. The symbiote looks directly at Peter and makes that exact same alien hissing sound which sounds just like a snake. It slithers and wraps itself around him then forms a cocoon like state. "Bond with us, Peter Parker. Mind, body and soul. Accept our gift and together we can fulfil our desire". The symbiote spoke inside Peter's mind hypnotically, Peter starts to feel a little scared but thinks about the Symbiote's offer then says "Yes. I-I accept you" he says nervously to the Symbiote as he starts to feel the symbiote form a bond with his dna, giving into the masculine voice whilst starting to bond with the symbiote, Peter stares into the Symbiote's dark void eyes. "Yessss!"The symbiote replies as it wraps around his entire body like a second skin. The symbiote assimilates entirely through Peter's body as he starts feel his whole body change. Peter could already start to feel the Symbiote's energy surging through him, his strength started growing increasively, his senses and reflexes were sharper and more heightend. As soon the Symbiote completed his bond, Peter could feel this kind of power that he had never felt before. Peter felt more stronger, faster, better now than he ever did before.

As the alien suit completely consumed him, even more so that the Symbiote won. The Symbiote cocoon like state starts to fall apart leaving black sort of drippage on Peter's bedroom floor, A black arm reaches out and struggles to to break free from the cocoon. Suddenly a massive figure drops to the floor splashed and covered in a black oozing slime as it struggled to maintain control over his own mind and body, but he then managed to open his eyes and started to make loud thundering screech like it just woken up. Peter found himself increasingly drawn into the dark allure of the symbiote compulsion and it's desire to do whatever it took to protect him. Peter slowly goes towards his mirror then discovers that the symbiote had changed his apperance as well as changed the colour of his original red and blue suit which had now become a jet black colour with silver strands as the webbing on his suit, the symbiote also enhanced his powers as well as slowly starting to bring out Peter's aggressive traits of his dark side personality. As time had passed, Peter's newfound relationship with the symbiote started to grew more and more. He found himself falling in love with the Symbiote, the darkness and powerful being that had taken over his entire body, mind and soul to his surprise, giving him the powers, abilites and he discovered that his feelings were reciprocated, as Peter seemed to share a deep and passionate connection with the symbiote.

The symbiote starts to slowly peel and recede back to reveal Peter's face as Peter stares at himself in the his apartment mirror looking like a tall masculine, vicious and monstrously terrifying with huge teeth and claws. Peter noticed there was no spider symbol on his suit but only seen black oozing webs covering his entire body. "This is something else, these powers, this suit feels incredible." He says looking at himself as he goes to his wardrobe and starts putting on suitable yet casual black clothing that he could find then started to put some hair gel on his hair then started to slick his hair completley back but suddenly the symbiote resurfaces inside of Peter, he starts to notice that his eyes, his pupils have started to slowly turn completly jet black and his noticing his voice starting to sound deeper, masculine and meaner than how he normally sounds. "I always believed that my Uncle Ben once said: with great power comes great responsibility" Peter repeated his Uncle's advice to himself as he looked at his hands then back towards the mirror. "I never knew what power really was until today." He smirked looking at himself with pride and confidence, "From now on, WE are one.. We're the poison to anyone who dares stands in our way. That's why from now on, WE call ourselves Venom!" Peter says as he growls in the mirror and the Symbiote starts to recede and covers Peter's face.

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