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Because Angela was on maternity leave, Nyla was overwhelmed with her workload. Grey suggested asking for help, and her first call was to Lucy- she's a smart, capable officer whose eager to become a detective. Thankfully, Lucy agreed to help happily and quickly proved to be a great partner on closing some older, boring cases. But, that all changed when they caught an intriguing case that demanded surveillance. So, the detective and her protege sat in a hotel for hours listening to the bugs placed in the next room just waiting for their suspect to incriminate himself.

"Great, he's watching a football game," Nyla noted sarcastically and rolled her eyes. Detective work isn't always glamorous. It isn't even always exciting like now where she was eavesdropping on the most boring man's life.

"The Rams might actually win tonight," Lucy pointed out and continued listening to the muffled sounds of the announcers narrating the game.

"You've been dating Tim too long."

Lucy snickered.

"How are things going with you two?"

"Great," she answered with a glowing smile. Just thinking of Tim always brightened Lucy's mood.

"Ah, the honeymoon phase. Enjoy it while it lasts."

"We will," she raised her eyebrow. She quite liked how madly in love they were- constantly desperate for each other's touch, craving more time together where clothing was optional, and never wanting to leave each other's space.

"I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks," Lucy said happily and stood from the hotel room desk. "I need to use the bathroom. Be right back." She walked a few paces into the white, sterile bathroom to relieve herself. As she stood at the bathroom sink washing her hands and looking at her face in the mirror, she started feeling a pain in her stomach...or maybe it was lower. It must have been cramps, but her period wasn't due for another week? The pain was dizzying, and she swayed on her feet, letting out a strained moan.

Nyla heard weird, small sounds of pain from the bathroom, and she knew something was wrong with her friend. She shot up and knocked on the bathroom door. "Lucy, you okay?"

The unusual cramps were searing and uncomfortable, so she leaned heavily against the bathroom counter and shut her eyes tight, trying to adjust to the pain.

"Lucy? Talk to me." Lucy had yet to respond to her pleas and taps on the door. There was an unmistakable sensation that something was wrong.

Finally coming back to herself, she could hear a voice that sounded faraway, but it was unmistakably Nyla calling her name. When she found her voice, all she could stammer out was, "I'm okay." A lie. But, Lucy was sure she would be fine soon enough. The pain would pass.

"What's going on in there?"

Lucy wobbled to the bathroom door to unlock it and tried to stand up straight.

Nyla reflexively searched the other woman's body, which caused her eyes to widen while letting out a little gasp. "We have to go. Now." She dialed Grey to request another team of detectives to take over surveillance, and when she looked back, she noticed how Lucy was just standing there with a pinched expression and a far-off look in her eyes. "Lucy, come on," she said gently and took her friend's hand. Together, they walked through the hotel with Lucy slightly leaning against her.

The car ride was a blur of lights, sounds, and Nyla's voice, but Lucy wasn't really able to focus on much. Whether it had been a short or long drive, Lucy was unsure, but they arrived to a hospital where her friend deposited her in a waiting room chair before speaking to the intake nurse. She was escorted to a hospital bed and asked to change, so Lucy pulled her jeans down and noticed that one of her pant legs was sticky. There was blood down her leg that had soaked through the denim. She realized she had been bleeding or maybe still bleeding? Lucy was confused and only started coming back to herself as a nurse administered an ultrasound.

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