Chapter 2: tray and ray's party

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(Pls play the song before you read)
Sariah pov:
"Sariah wake up !!" I hear my sister yell
So I get and do my skincare and my hair. Then I go to the car and watch some TikTok videos.for some reason Zara is not ready so I go back in the house and I see her making coffee. "Hey,why are you making coffee when you just rush my out of bed!"I say
"Girl plz ,you always make the group late for school so I wake you up 2 hours early.I'm surprised that you didn't look at the time"she said with a sassy voice " oh you" I say as I move to her in a angry manner but before I can grab her hair she said " if you dare to pull my hand I will punch you and spill my hot coffee on you." "Whatever" I say then we walk to the car as I grab to key with to keychains on one green (Sariah's favorite color) and one black one (Zara's favorite color) Zara says " what are you doing you are not driving because last Time you almost cash in a parked bus." " ok ok chillax are you sometimes too dramatic you do too much"i said. We pick up Melody and Felicia and start driving to school. We're all on our phones watching some thing. Melody is recording tick-tock's in the back left seat Felicia is watching a Likee videos. Zara is driving and listening to her playlist while I am watching YouTube. Then we get to the school. We figure out that we have the same class today so we all go into science class. The science lesson is about making a volcano, and why volcanoes are dangerous. Also, we have a test on atoms coming up and neutrons. As with your experiment in our groups, we hear the next bell so we all to our lockers and put our books away Zara and Felicia go into the bathroom to retouch their make up. then the next bell rings I go to my next class and the same cycle repeats until I hear the lunch bell I get my lunch and I go into the cafeteria I see Zara, Felicia, melody, ray, trey, and Kayla, sitting at the same table, goes to sit down with them. They're talking about the party that's happening tonight.(for context clues Kayla is Trey and ray's sister. And yes, they're all triplets.) I found out that the party is going to be on their yacht parked near the beach, and the party will start at 10:00pm since today is Friday then we have the next Bell and go to our next class. My next class is art class and I have that class with Jessica. She is a spoiled rich girl. She comes in the classroom with a tote bag and hot pink nails she has fake Gucci socks on with a pink crop top and some jeans she's walking in Sloma like she's in a movie or some thing I think she's going crazy
In our class she asked the dumbest questions like if we can have partners for a personal project but as the next bell rings, because today is a half day. We can go early so. I walk out the school waiting in the car for Zara, Melody, Felicia, and Kayla . And as we go get your new outfits.
But then we thought who's paying we all thought Melody should pay but she said no way Jose so then we thought because it's Kayla's brothers party you think she should pay
And she did so then we all got our outfits so then we go to Felecia and Melody's house we go in and we all get ready doing taking a shower, doing hair, skin care, make up, shoes, dresses, and accessories. Then, as soon as were all done, it hits 10 o'clock, so then we all get into the car/jeep and we head to the dock side of the beach we see his yacht and Zara park the car and we go on the yacht. We're all having party drinking drinks, eating food dancing after about an hour of waiting for the other gas like there's about 80 people on the yacht so then the yacht moves away from the docks, and then I see Jessica, Sarah, and Rebecca, just come and see the yacht going, and yelling at us to come and get them but no way nobody likes them. They're like the blonde brats of the school and I said I just plain out rude.

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