main character

5 0 0

Name character - Gyeo-Wool
Gender - female
February - 1
Age - 15
Nation - south korea
Born Location - Seoul
Parents -unnamed father diseased name mother deceased

talking with friends
Ice skating and snow ski

Horror movie

Power precognition and energy manipulation

Combat or martial arts Japanese jiu-jitsu Korean Jiu jitsu

Start story

In Seoul city
alley the couple and the 9 years old kid was running away from tarkatans they was faster they're going the tarkatans was chasing with those couple and the kid the man a couple Push all boxes are fall down tarkatans the leader tarkatans he say " we are going to this way that a short cut we will found those couple and the kid find them now" tarkatans was a agreed their leader follow this the shortcut distract the path when they found a the Hidden way male couple he say "It's is not safe here this alleyway are lot some roads!" The female couple she try to say"it has to be on the way we cannot leave there my child all alone there is a figuring out someone else to do who got to be help" the male couple he say "I got a situation have an idea my child will be growing up age 15 she will be strong and training just like you my love" the female couple nod she say"yes i guess situation she will be strong will just your father and honest like a me just a good optimistic you will be empathy strong will and wisdom training my child she will grow up" the male couple he say"I know situation I help my friend name is Joshua lee he will be take care of my baby daughter and teaching a judo class she will be become balance side fighting I know situation to do my choice is training our child but age 15 she will become a defender" the female couple say " all right is your right path situation You're friend Joshua lee will help my daughter" and the female couple she say" Gyeo-Wool you need a stay you're father friend his name a Joshua lee he can help teaching a judo will defend yourself I know location you're father friend Joshua lee Seoul Street the judo class you will be strong knowledge to be just like us promise me my daughter don't worry without us we sacrifice their self to protect you" Gyeo-Wool she say" I never leave you mommy and daddy if you go fight with ugly sharp teeth monster you're going to die that's how I become loneliner!" the male couple he say "don't worry without us I know you miss us mommy and daddy will protect you because I know situation too your mother friend he will teach you you become stronger I know you will the way without us now before we die daddy and mommy will give you a special present!" The female couple remove her own necklace a gift for Gyeo-Wool

And male couple gift to Gyeo-Wool 300 penny and photograph family picture me mommy and daddy Seoul park springs festival sakura was happiness

He was give me address judo class after was gift Gyeo-Wool and her family hug to say goodbye going to her father friend the couple they say" run daughter go don't worry without us it's going to be okay just leave it and don't turn around right now go" Gyeo-Wool was running her parents she never looking back was faster she can do the couple never look back at her they are running front alleyway faster they're can after is a the front alleyway they was been busted by tarkatans the one tarkatans leader name is baraka he was a ruthless figure his shoulder was spiky his mouth was Sharp teeth his arm is
blade looking thing was sharp as like a sword baraka was approaching their the couple he realized realize there is a a little girl is nothing here he was a furious he said"where is that little girl if you answer me a question
or if you not answer me I will never spare you to cut into your pieces not alive " the male couple he said to say " I will never talk you none of us will be talking you never "the female couple she said to say "I will never speak to you ever again ugly face freak you will never ever say that I will never talk to you again ever just kill us or you will regret that" the tarkatans leader was was angry the couple wasn't talk to their neither especially girl will find that baraka say" kill that's the couple none there alive cut those a piece now " tarkatans was command his leader to kill those couple not alive the couple was screaming and pain cut those piece no alive they are dead now

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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