Chapter- 15 Endings Come First

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A/N: thank you @tortilla_luvsufor pointing out that we jumped a bit too quickly into the chapter since it was a hot second since I updated! 

Therefore lemme add some ✨context✨real quick LOL


It had been a few nights since so many people's lives had changed. 

Thanks to Rin Hiryu's violent betrayal of his hero partner, Shinso was recovering from his near-grave wounds in the hospital with his fathers and baby sister watching over the surly purple-haired man. Kaminari was consuming his feelings with the explosive help of ice cream and finding catharsis through the tears shed during A Dog's Purpose. Yet for Sero and Elise, it had been a few long nights of not seeing one another since she stopped him from killing Rin. While Sero had been consumed with thoughts of how to get the woman he truly wanted to be his...Elise's world has been a bit more...


Yun grabbed Elise from under her armpits and catapulted them backward just in time to avoid those toxic claws from striking her face. Despite his best efforts, Rin's quirk-activated claws still managed to rake across her bicep. 

"FUCK! AI, restrain him!"

"We're trying!" Ai bellowed as he and the other men dog piled on top of Rin. 

"Shit," Elise cursed before slapping off Yun's hands and lurching back into the fight. 

"Ane-san," the younger man called out worriedly. 

"It's fine!" She lied while trying to find an exposed strip of Rin's flesh without him ripping off her head again. "He's in the middle of withdrawals which is why his body is rejecting my quirk so badly," Elise raised her raspy deep voice and snapped, "BUT I NEED HIM TO FUCK'N STOP IT BEFORE HE DIES!"

Ai's one seeing eyes slashed over to Elise's sweat covered face. "Why the hell are we doing this anyway? Just let the POS kick it."

"Because," she finally managed to force her quirk to stay in Rin's necrotic green skin and stitch his bleeding eye closed, "Kai said he needs this little fucker."

"If he needs him so bad then where the fuck is he? We could use his overhaul right now!" One of the men loyal to the yakuza mistress sneered. 

"I don't know, but I'd have appreciated the help for once." As she and the other men managed to restrain Rin so that he wouldn't reopen his wounds again, Elise whipped her blood-stained hand across her flat stomach and sighed, "Next one of you shitheads who get injured, heal your damn selves. I'm take'n a vacation."

In unison, all the yakuza men chuckled and replied sarcastically, "Yes ane-san."

"Assholes," Eli snickered as she headed to her bedroom so that she could starfish on the ground and desperately tried to stop her head from spinning. 

Ai and Yun knew how she was after she pushed her quirk past its limit, so both men wandered off to start her a bath, find her some stomach-settling foods, and make sure her bed was all set up so that she could crash for the next 24 hours. 

Elise had her eyes closed, so when the traditional style Japanese door slid open she assumed it was Yun or Ai thus she about jumped out of her fucking skin when that raspy voice murmured, "Elise? What the hell happened to you?"

Thanks to years of training, Elise swallowed down the pain radiating from her arm and rocketed to her bare blood-covered feet. Her exhausted narrow orange eyes were wide open in surprise as she blinked up at Sero's worried handsome face. "Sunshine..."

Stygian  Seduction  (Hanta Sero x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora