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Time: 08.12 When his best friend Thomas, who was with Frank every day, came to work in the morning, Frank's not being there and not answering the phones made him nervous. Finally, he decided to go to Frank's house. Thomas was very attached to his father since childhood. On top of that, when his father, Josefi, died of blood cancer when he was 16, he was very upset. Franklada met at the university back then. They have been very close friends ever since. Thomas got into his father's 86 model Ford Focus Seden and set off immediately. After 20 minutes of driving, he arrived in front of Frank's house. He parked his car on the side and got out. When he came to the door, he pressed the bell, but no one opened the door. Finally, he pulled the door handle and became very nervous when he saw that the door was open. Thomas started yelling "Heyeyy, Fraank. Where are you?" He immediately went upstairs when he saw that there was no sound. That's when he came to that moment. There was a scene in front of him that might be a little hard to forget. Frank was lying on the floor with flowers in his hands, his wife Lauren was lying naked on the floor. Her lower chest was split open and her fingers were cut off. She couldn't stand it any longer and threw herself next to Frank. Finally, he called the ambulance and the police. 10 minutes later, the police and ambulance came to the scene. While the police were investigating the scene, the ambulance took Frank. The police immediately interrogated Thomas. After the interrogation was over, they had to take him into custody. With the autopsy report coming out after 3 hours, they released Thomas. Looking at the autopsy report, Lauren had been killed since yesterday evening, which means Laureni did not kill Thomas. According to the autopsy report, Lauren was killed at around 6:7 p.m. that day. Her fingers were cut off, and her chest was slit up to her shoulders.
An hour later, Frank started to wake up slowly. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was in another room. There was a 20-year-old nurse in a white coat, and 2 policemen in plain clothes at the door. Frank: Where am I, who are you, why am I here? Lauren.. where is Lauren?. She was crying while crying. Two hours later, it was proved by both witnesses and camera records that Frank was at work with his friend Thomas, hours after Laurenin was killed. He immediately stood up, got up and got dressed. Everything had happened so quickly and in sequence that his legs were cracking from the pain. As she was going down the stairs and getting into her car, she was startled by a familiar voice. She turned around and saw that it was Thomas who was calling. They ran and hugged each other like 15-year-old lovers. They couldn't get over the shock of the incident. Good luck.
-Thanks. I wish he was still alive. May God forgive his sins. -Amine. He may not like it, but.... -But what? Autopsy report. -Well, that's right. The autopsy report is out. The things written and the photos are not heartwarming at all. The murderer killed Laureni around 6,7 and it gets dark quickly since we are still in winter. Therefore, we do not have any eyewitnesses. Laurenin has a thin line starting from her throat to her neck, which means she strangled her with a thin chain, and then...
-Yes...Then... he fed. As if that wasn't enough, he split it starting under the chest and up to the shoulder. Frank didn't think he could bear it any longer. As Thomas Lazurene told what had happened, Frank felt as if he could feel the sighs of his own.
-Okay. Shut up. I can't take it anymore. Okay. We've been given the task to find this murder. We have to get to work immediately. Before I came here, I called Richard first. I said we'd meet here. Where is the stockpile?
-Okay. Finding that murderer is also my promise. But I don't think we'll ever find him safe. Why?
-Because as soon as I get it, I will kill him. We both know well that he will not do such a thing. We will find that murderer and punish him. After a 10-minute wait, Richard finally arrived. As the team was assembled, they immediately got to work. Richard was the team's doctor. When they went to the crime scene, Thomas and Frank would find clues at the crime scene, Richardsa would analyze the victims' injuries and find out how and how they were killed. They immediately went to the crime scene, Frank's house. It was quite crowded. Such a murder was not committed so easily. They immediately went inside, they had no time to lose.
- Come here right now. What happened? What did you see?
-There are forties on the sides of the door. This means that the door was forced open. Richard: Is the body still upstairs? Yes, yes above.
-Well, what are we waiting for. Let's get to work right away. After Frankda spoke, they immediately went upstairs to the bedroom. But they stood together with Richard's speech. Richard: Look at the stairs. There are light traces of blood on the floor. Well, so? So the point is. The killer may have killed the victim and carried it up by dragging it up.
-So you don't think Lauren was killed in the room?
I can't say for sure right now. We'll only find out after we go upstairs. Come on, when the detectives came to the door, Frank was closing his eyes. He could hardly hide himself in the face of such a sight. Seeing this, Thomas put his hand on Frank's shoulder so that he could collect himself. 137.
-Sir Richard.. 137.
Does this number mean anything to you?
- No, no. Why do you ask? The number 137 is branded on her neck with a sharp tool. What about Gemma? Does this name sound familiar to you? At that moment, Frank was in for a little shock, because that was his mother's name. His mother, Frank, died when he was only 17, and Frank had been cared for by his father, Josef, since he was a child. But unfortunately, Frank lost his father when he was 21.
-This is my mother's name. No, it can't be. This incident has nothing to do with me. Maybe it's a coincidence. Yes, it may be a coincidence, but this killer may also have a message for you. Thomas: Yes, even though we can't reach a definite conclusion in this case, we can't ignore the possibility that this murder is a message. But we are sure that there is a serial killer before us. This sentence of Thomas created a slight tension in the environment because there was a serial killer in front of them. Yes, a serial killer. Although it seems like a normal thing, serial killers were not something that could come out so easily or every month. After this investigation, they called from 'New York homicide desk' and said there would be a meeting in 1 hour. The caller was Mr. Cros, the owner of the homicide desk. After this murder, it was normal for him to hold a meeting with detectives who would come from all over New York. The meeting was nearby. Since they were in the center of the city, it took 10.15 minutes to get there. When they arrived at the meeting place, there was almost a gallery car in front of the building. They immediately went upstairs. There were so many people that they only recognized 1.2 people among them. They went into the meeting room. It was dark and quiet. The meeting was held by Conroy Lext, one of the biggest names in the New York police department. The 53-year-old detective was pretty good at his job and was respected everywhere. Other tables include Benedict Andrew, Albert Line, Jack Crown and p. Detectives from almost every corner of the country, chiefs, guys from the FBI, and many professional detectives came. There was light grumbling and they started the meeting. Yes guys. We apologize for the inconvenience. First of all, our condolences to the victim's husband, Mr. Frank. You all more or less know why I am holding this meeting. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Conroy, but what distinguishes this murder from other murders? We faced tons of murders similar to this one, and they all made us very busy. What distinguishes the victims from the other victims?
You've touched on a very true subject, Mr. Benedict. You're right, we have come across very similar murders, but this murder is different. There is a possibility that the suspect in front of us is a serial killer. There is a possibility that the serial killer from years ago will come back again or that the killer is a imitator. First of all, we need to find out who he is imitating. So what will this information do? This information will allow us to know the movements of the murderer beforehand, even if he is an imitator. This determination of the detective helped others to reason. Hector Lucas, one of the leading detectives of Los Angles, raised his hand to express his own opinions. Here you go detective, we are listening to you. Again, Mr. Franka, I ask God's patience for this sadness. - Thank you, Mr. Lucas. As Detective Conro said, this murder is not something to be solved in a sly. We have to do our best to close this case. First of all, we need to find out how old the murderer is. But as far as I know, we have no such evidence. -There is actually. With Frank's sentence, he became the focus of everything, and in response to that sentence, Detective Benedict spoke. How so?. Could you please be clear.
-Well, before I came here with my teammates, Richard and Thomas, we went to the crime scene, namely my house. While examining the house, Richard noticed some things. Frank interrupted his speech briefly, pulling out his phone from his pocket, connecting to the production and showing photos of the house in his gallery.
-This is the place where the murder was committed and please look at these photos carefully. This is where there are signs of forcing on the edges of the entrance door to the house and there is no trace of a hard object anywhere. This means that our murderer broke the door by force. but, someone who can break the door in this way must necessarily be young. All of the serial killers I know are at least 50 years old now. From this point of view, we can understand that the murderer is an imitator between the ages of 30-40. After Frank's speech, everyone took turns talking about ex-serial killers who could commit murder in this manner. At that moment, Mr. Conroy interrupted. Thank you, Mr. Frank. You have run a Theory that might make our job easier and you are probably right in your theory. So we realized that our murderer is an impersonator, but I need help from all of you to understand who he is. I understand you. You have enough friends, maybe more, but we need to close this case as soon as possible. Agreed? Everyone agreed with Conro and the pan slowly began to disperse. -So what are we doing now? Well, I couldn't even eat my morning, I can hardly stand on my feet. If I stay a little longer, I will pass out. Thomas began to speak, whining from hunger. Richard: I agree with Thomy, I'm pretty hungry too. If there is a restaurant near here, let's go and eat.
- All right then. Whose turn was it to order? "You too, you too." Thomas and Richard began to speak in unison. -What!! I just ordered it last week. I'm sorry, I already got 50 dollars last time. This time I can't pay at all. Thomas: Well, I paid before you did. Richard: Okay man, okay. What a stingy you are. Come on, you're mine this time.

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