|~The discovery~|

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-Scene 1. Outside the hospital.-

[C1 found herself, Along with C2 & C3 stranded out in the open, next to a broken-down school bus.]

C1: "I guess we are stuck here now..." (C1 glanced up at both C2 & C3, then the entrance to the forest ahead.)

C2: "I think we need to go approach the forest... Possibly for a cabin or maybe someone that can get us out of here...?" (C2 looked up at the lanterns)

C2: "We should probably follow those into the woods. They seem to be leading around a path."

C3: "Are you sure... It's dark and kind of spooky..." (C3 looked nervous, and rather scared of the dark.)

C1: "Dude, are you a little girl or something?" (C1 flicked C3 in the head)

[The trio slowly entered the woods, following the lanterns. C2 taking the lead, fearlessly. As C1 & C3 followed behind, the two occasionally exchanged glances every now and then.]

-End of scene, into the other.-


-Scene two. Hospital.-

[The Trio walked up to a gate, C2 pushed it open, as C1 came in after. C3 whining about how scary the hospital looked.]

C3: "I don't wanna go in... It looks scary..."

C1: "Quit being a baby- Now c'mon. I'm not waiting on you." (C1 walked into the gate. Following C2 in.)

C3: "HEY- DON'T LEAVE ME OUT HERE-" (C3 followed both C1 & C2 inside the gate.)

[C1 looked the building up and down along with C2, C3 could have sworn he saw something through the window.]

C3: "HEY- W-WHATS THAT-!?" (C3 pointed in a random direction.)

(Both C1 & C2 looked up, following C3's finger, only to look back at him, unamused.)

C1: "C'mon man. It's not like we're in a haunted house. Now quit making it out to be like that. This is stupid." (C1 just grabbed C2's hand and dragged him forward and down the hallway.)

C3: "Hey... look at this..." (He picked up a paper)

C1: "What?" (She looked up over her shoulder and at C3, before approaching, still pulling C2 behind her.)

C2: "What is it?" (He looked at the paper, curious.)

|" The teacher saw something out in the woods...

We don't know what she saw. Or if it was

Safe. All we know is she left to go see what.

We are now waiting here for her." |

C1: "Huh. strange. I'm assuming this is from one of the students that were in that bus out front?" (C1 looked up at C2.)

C2: "Guess so... But we should keep moving forward... Let's go yall.." (C2 turned around to continue down the hallway, reaching some stairs...)

(Suddenly the door on the left lit up as someone screamed from behind it. C1 Jumped back and grabbed onto C2, who merely flinched. C3 on the other hand screamed and hid behind C1.)

C1: "Who was that...?" (She continued to tightly hold onto C2)

C2: "Dunno. But they might be dead now. And that calls for us to leave." (He went to turn the other way, the front doors slamming shut.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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