Passion Redefined

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Donita Donata was in her beautiful mansion in Malibu, Los Angeles.

But the mansion felt empty, despite her and her brother and her parents living there. they were happy but also not happy. Her parents kept trying to fullfil the emptyness by buying many many fasion stuffs like clothes and jewelry of many designers.

"Donita! Dabio!" Her mother called out.

"Yes, mommy?" Dabio asked.

Donita sighed at the way her brother now talked. She remembered the days when he was a brilliant engeneer and liked to talk about mechanics and inventions. Dabio had tried to make an invention that would change the world. But in the proccess it breaked. 

The invention fried his brain, almost killing him. He was sent to a hospital to be treated but he almost died. The doctors and neurosurgeons treated him the best they could. And her brother survived. But Dabio unfortunately now had a traumatic brain injury that made him talk the way he talked and acted the way he did.

But the invention worked. But they invention was dangerous. It had the power to control things. Living things. It was so scary so they hid it inside a closet to never been seen ever again.

Her parents had given up on her brother and moved on to her. They convinced her to become a fashion designer because it was cool. And Donita didn't mind following the footsteps of her parents, but the job just seemed so...boring.

Donita wanted to be special. She had a dream. But of course, dreams weren't meant to be exposed. Dreams were meant to be hidden. You were meant to please your parents, the people who were the ones who pushed you to dream. You could never follow your true passions as the people around you were truly the ones who dictated what you can and cannot be.

And it was this definition that Donita longed to redefine.

She was going to follow her parents and make them happy by taking on a fashion career, but she was going to take it to the next level.

By using her brother's invention. Donita pulled it out of the box that it was hidden and smiled.

She was proud of her brother's invention. She was proud of her own passions. She was going to redefine the fashion world and build an empire. She wasn't going to let anyone dictate what her dreams were ever again.

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