chapter 2

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Wally pov

I have been watching over Jen for the past two weeks I have to say she is perfect. Plus, I know about her ability to see ghost. Which makes me wonder was she talking to a ghost when she saved me? And who is the ghost? I know about her likes and dislikes, her schedule, her flaws that I love, her favorite food, her age, everything. And let me tell you I have found my soulmate. Who knows her ability can come in handy for me. She hasn't noticed that I was stalking/ protecting her or one of my friends where depending if I have buisness.

Black thorns haven't done anything yet. Which makes me belive that they other belive I am dead or they ate planning something big. I am not sure if Jen will be involved but I hope not. I will protect my love. After a while I have noticed something or someone. Is one of his men. I went behind him with out making a sound then bam I have in in gun point while also having him pin to a tree I said " what ate you doing here?" He said " the boss knows you are alive and he wants the girl and you are to late." Then I heard Jen scream I killed the man and went inside of Jens house only to see my love fight and win. I was shoked and impressed.

Jens pov

I felt like I was being watched for two weeks.and I was right I have see Wally watching me or one of his friends mainly Barnaby we talked and he explained why they where watching me. Anyway, as always I was just working and relaxing at my house. I have helped acouple of ghost cross over and rightnow I was talking to William he appears to me when ever Wally is watching me/ protects me in secret. We had good conversations. Then William told me to be alert for he sees Wally enemies near my house which means they ate ither here to kill me or kidnapp me. Ither way I have to fight.

Thank heavens I was thought how to fight ( She fights like black widow.) I was just minding my own buisness when I was grabbed from behind and let me tell you I screamed and then I started to fight. In the end I won and I see Wally was in my house but he looks shocked. I said " it helps that I was trained by friends when I was younger before they left. By the way thanks for keeping an eye on my" wally says " I am sorry Jen looks like my enemy knows about you his men tried to kidnapp you. I will call my friends to help get these guys out of your house one moment." He called and after a bit of waiting Barnaby, a caterpillar name Howdy, and eddy came to help. I meet the two men and they where nice.once they took care of the men out of my house. Wally says " Jen I thi k you will have to live and stay with us. We will keep you safe and makes use you don't get captured by my enemy." I said " Wally thanks for noffer but I have a store to run and I love my house I don't want to abandon them."

Wally said " Jen is for your protection. What happens if they have to drop on you and you weren't able to react fast to fight them what then. Don't worry about your house it will be safe until you ate safe. And I know you have to run the store but ate you ok with having two of my friends watch over you and help." I though about it so I said " so you are saying I am only staying with you until this enemy or your is dealt with. Then I can go back to my house. And I can still work but your friends would be there to protect and help me?" Wally nodded then I said " ok, I agree this house was given to me from my grandmothers will after she died same for her store. The land was hers and the only thing I have to pay for is the light and water but I guess I can put it on hold since I will be staying with you for a while. Please keep the house safe I can't lose it or my store." Wally promise he will keep them safe. So I packed all my clothes and toiletries. And my laptop, and shoes, and I am ready to leave I called the company that does lights and water and told them I will be gone for a while and don't need to pay the light and water until I am back. They where ok with it and atleast is one bill to not worry about.

We where going to Wally house there is where I will live and let me tell you I'd a cute house. I even complimented Wally about the house.the house even responded by creaking and the window looks like eyes watching me and Wally. He thanked me and ssid that house also thanks me for the compliments he also told me that his house is alive so yeah. He showed me my guest room and said I will stay here. I thanked him and put my stuff away. Then wally said he wanted to talk to me. We went to his office and there he said " Jen I wanted to clarify something with you. While I was watching over you to protect you you have picked my interest so I had to find information on you just to know if you really are a good person. Now don't get mad because I found only good things about you. Though one thing did amazed me I found out you can see ghost I didn't belive it until one day while I was watching you in secret in the store you helped a nice old lady by telling her about her dead husband what what he saidi didn't see him but Then I saw a bit of a bright light and then I saw him before he dissappear in the light can you explain."

Well I wasn't mad or shocked about him trying to find information about me just that he found out about my ability and well I said " well I am not surprised or mad about you finding information about me. As to what you saw I'd basically the nice old lady's husband going in to the light to heaven because he has resolved his problem with his wife. See I help the ghost cross over by helping then finish with what ever is bounding them to this eart. And when they resolve it they go to the light. Though some times most ghost aren't good and some get taken to hell by darkness."

This amazes Wally then he says the day you saved me was there a ghost that helped you find me? And was the ghost the same one that you talked to when you where eating?" I said " yes, aghast was the one that helped me find you and was the same one that I was talking to as well" then wally says " is the ghost here" I said " yes, he is right next to you" wally was shocked and then he said " can you describe the ghost to me " I said " he is about your size maybe a bit taller, he has blue hair and is wearing g a nice suit that is black and red with rainbow suspenders, he is even wearing glasses." Wally was shocked then I notice a couple of tears fall from his eyes and then he says " Jen is the ghost name William darling" I said " yes, he is your father"

Wally was now crying and said " Jen what does my father say and why is he still here on earth" I said " your father said that he loves you and is proud of wo you become wally though he wished you where more careful especially in the day we meet. He also says, that the reason why he is still here is because he vowed to protect you and your mother until the day you both die." Wally was shocked as he cried and wally says " all this time I felt like so.e one was with me when ever I am alone. It felt familiar yet I couldn't figure out why. Now I know it was my own father. I wish I can see him and talk to him with out using you jen." I said " there is a way here put this bracelet on." And he does and the next thing wally know he is able to see, hear, and feel his father again. And the father was shocked. Wally says " what!? How!?" I said " that bracelet has a special stone and with and incantation it help the person hear, see, and fell the ghost with out needing me. As long as you have to bracelet on you can see, hear, and feel him until you die. I leaned this from my grandmother she is part witch I didn't know about that until she showed me how to make this." Wally hugs me and thanks me then he says " will I be able to see other ghost or?" I said " well it depends really ghost ha e the ability to make themselves appear and re appear if they want you to see them they will if not then no. Since your father loves you he is letting you see him. With the help of the bracelet. But if he didn't want to be seen he will dissappear even if you have the bracelet on. So I guess it depends with other ghost though you will hear and feel them."

Wally nodded. He talked a bit with his father and after that his father left to watch over mom for a bit. Wally said " this feels amazing Jen you really do make a difference. Thank you for letting me see my father as well as communicate with him I nodded. The rest of the day I was just going around home and then I made dinner and after wally and I eat we went to sleep what a day.

Wally pov

I am happy to see my father again and talk to him he was protecting me all that time I should have known. Jen ability is amazing and this bracelet is also amazing I got to see if I can give one to my mother when I visit who know Jen could come with me. This experience made me fall inlove hard for Jen. She has to be mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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yandere AU mafia wally darling Where stories live. Discover now