Chapter Seven : Mission

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They finally landed on the outskirts of Raccoon City. It was unrecognizable. Freeways were demolished the cities main buildings were gone.

Everything was gone except..

The Raccoon City Police Department.

How was it still standing after all these years? It's in the center of the city, there is no possible way it was still together.

Everyone then got a call from a higher up. "Your teams have been chosen by your abilities." The Vice President stated.

"Our Abilities..?" Chris thought while putting his gear on. "Team 1 will be heading to Raccoon city. Leon, Y/n and Chris. Team 2 will be Jill, Rebecca and Clark." He explained causing both Leon and Y/n to look away from each other.

"Can I switch with Y/n?" Jill asked hoping to help Y/n get away from Leon. The vice president shook his head. "We based your teams off of your abilities. The chance of this mission will succeed if they work together." He made it clear that there was no changing anything. Everyone got their gear on and started to head to where they needed to be. "You're gonna be okay?" Jill asked Y/n as she nodded. "I'll be okay! Thanks Jill." Y/n smiled.

"Hey Y/n stay safe okay?" Clark asked, walking up to her. Y/n nodded her head, "Of course.."

He kissed her forehead and walked off like nothing just happened. Y/n was dumbfounded.

D-did he just kiss her forehead like it was any other day???

She blushed like crazy, not only is she not being able to realize his feelings everyone knew something was definitely up.

Jill smirked and nodded her head at Clark. "That'll definitely get her mind off things Clark." She laughed before walking with Clark.

"So-.. I'm assuming you're just gonna deal with it?" Chris whispered while walking beside Y/n, thinking starting up a conversation would help the tense atmosphere.

She nodded with a sigh. "We will be fine." She answered him while aiming her gun out just in case any zombies were still lurking around.

"By the way.. I'm pretty sure everyone heard the conversation between you and Leon.." Chris mentioned causing Y/n's eyes to widen.

"W-what????" embarrassment started to rise through her.

"You did? You gotta be kidding me.." She mumbled.

"Hurry, we need to be there by 5:35.." Leon interrupted. As you look over at him, he didn't seem to have heard what Chris said.

"Okay." Y/n answered before her and Chris caught up with Leon.

Chris couldn't help but spot Leon glancing over at Y/n multiple times during there stroll back to the city.

"Hey Leon, are you okay?" Chris asked concerned. He's never seen Leon so on guard for someone before. It was like Leon was a protective Wolf guarding his children.

"Yeah I'm fine why..?" Leon asked walking next to Chris watching Y/n go ahead of them a bit. "Your spying on Y/n like a hawk.." Chris mentioned with a grin. Leon looked at him with a shocked look. "You've got to be kidding me right now Chris.." Leon stared at him. "Just saying.." Chris shrugged.

"I'm— just making sure a teammate is safe.." Leon answered. Chris could tell he was lying, Leon always lied when it came to Y/n.

In a past assignment both Leon and Chris went undercover to England. There was a mystery riot against the U.S. government and they joined to figure out who the creator was.

(Feel free to speak in a British accent until the end of the story lol)

At some point in the mission Chris had asked about Y/n out of curiosity. In a English accent Chris said, "So.. You broke up with Y/n..?"

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