Part 3: chapter 14

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I jumped awake looking around. Everything was white? It was some sort of living room. There was an all white fire place. Even the fire burning was white. I had been laying across a plush white couch. The wooden floors and walls were white... it was my apartment back In America. Did I die?

"You aren't dead."

I looked to my left and sitting on a love seat was Giselle he elbow was propped up on the arm rest while she placed her chin in her hand. She watched the white fire silently while I adjusted to her sitting across from me. She was in her Hogwarts uniform but it, like everything else, was all white. I looked down at myself and I was in an all white Hufflepuff uniform.

"I'm not entirely sure why you are imagining us in white uniforms..." she shrugged.

"If I'm not dead how are you here?" I asked.

A plate of my favorite cake appeared in front of my face. I followed the arm holding the plate and Andre gave me a warm smile. I cautiously took the plate and he came and sat next to me. "Hi." He said warmly.

"I'm so confused..."

"When weren't you?" Giselle said softly.

"Even dead you are so an.... Sorry." I caught myself.

Andre gave her a look over his shoulder before turning back to face me. "I'm sorry... she's still in denial about everything."

"In denial?"

"Yeah, you know, dying, finding out that our father was using the imperious curse on her a lot. And not to mention I found out that he was trying to convince her you were basically evil incarnate and you wanted to destroy the magic world." Andre sighed and shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

"Like... Voldemort?"


I shook my head not wanting to get into it. "So I'm not dead? You guys are just.... Visiting?"

"Smart as always." Andre smiled.

"So are you going to give me some crazy advice?" I asked half joking.

"No.. he might though. He's been waiting longer then us."

Andre gestured behind me. I looked over my shoulder. My eyes got wide and started to water up as I saw professor fig looking at the all white books on the bookshelf as if he could see the titles.

"Professor!" I jumped off the couch and ran to him hugging him tightly. It was only then when I quickly passed a mirror that was in the room that I was younger. I was a student again. I didn't care about that right now though.

He jumped a bit as I hugged him but quickly hugged me back tightly. "Dear child, I was wondering when you'd come visit."

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." I started to apologize through tears, "if it hadn't been for me you'd still be here. If I hadn't gotten accepted into Hogwarts-"

"Ranrok would have won and none of us would probably be here anymore. And don't apologize for my death. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to train you and be your mentor. Miriam wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

"But I don't know what to do..."

He sighed and lead me back to the couch. "Explain everything."


I Did. I told him how I had to absorb the dark ancient magic to keep it from my father. It felt like hours as I went through first seeing Eleazar run through the great hall and watching him. And seeing the future Sebastian and me multiple times. I told him how Sebastian and I got married just like Fig always teased. And how our future kids even showed up to the wedding. 

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