Chapter Three: Meeting

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A gentle rain patters against the leaves and ground. It's almost always raining between the Necula and Faron region. Driving passerby's to rush out of the area. Much like these two men approaching. " I told you we're lost!" One shouts at the other, jabbing a finger into the others chest. " I know where I'm goin', the Highland Stables not too far from here!" The one being jabbed retaliates. " I hope we don't miss him, Link was spotted around that area. I can't wait to meet the grand hero." The smaller of the two pipes in again, tone changing to excitement. The other pulling out a map, smeared by the rain. " uhm...ahem. Trust me, I'm not missing him for the world. I heard his arm got all mangled and now he's got some fancy new magic one. I wanna ask him about these canvasses that popped up since the castle flew into the sky." The older taller fellow swats the map angrily. " God damn rain...hmph. Let's just trek back the way we came and find that sign again. With that weird fella workin' for Bolson's Construction." They both grumble back the way they came.
What they hadn't realized was they were not the only ones taking shelter under the giant tree. On the other side of it stood a man, nosying in on their conversation.
" The great hero...spotted near the stables...." A soft mutter of interest escapes him when he is alone again, hiding in the shadows of the tree and foliage.

A few hours later and a few miles out towards the opposite direction the travelers went, stood the Highland Stable, rested between Fural Plain and Guchini Plain. Farther north was the Pagos Woods riddled with Bokoblins and Moblins. Which our hero now finds himself running from. He heard of a cavern nearby and wanted to look for its treasures but was met with a hoard at their base. They immediately saw him on the hill nearby and sounded the alarms. All five of them rushing after Link, who was already tired from traveling all night before.
" Goddamnit!" He spits, cursing himself for being spotted. He hadn't realized what he stumbled upon until it was too late. Now they're all on his tail, wailing and screeching their awful noises as some chuck rocks at him. He ran out of arrows two days ago and his rusty broadsword was on its last life. He was thankful he had at least dawned his Hylian tunic and trousers, providing him more armor than the archaic tunic he had found on the sky island. He zig zagged through trees, they, although dumber, could not be shook. They had chased him all the way to the edge of the woods, reaching a tall mountain. He was cornered. His eyes frantically darting to search for an escape route. There were none. His chest heaved from exhaustion, his sword draws into a sloppy defensive stand. Hair falling down wild onto his shoulders and slightly covering his eyes on his sweat soaked forehead. All he could do was curse loudly in his head and swing his sword at them, a sorry attempt to push them back. " Fuck this." He heaves and juts the sword out, stabbing it through the first bokoblins head.Raising a boot to kick it off. They all wail in anger as it falls. Links rusty sword becoming dull and on the verge of breaking. It seems the gloom that plagued the land had attached itself to anyone or anything unfortunate enough to get in its path. Weakening and destroying the very thing in its vile grasp. So many abandoned weapons from the calamity have fallen to the gloom, only being good for short periods of time before breaking eventually. And this was one of those times.
He slashed the throat of the white bokoblin, killing it but at the cost of his only remaining weapon. " no no no...are you serious!" He frantically looks around for even a pitiful branch to fuse with a rock. Just as the two black bokoblins rush him, an arrow shoots through the air from Links right, coming from within the thick trees. It pierced the skull of the closest, being so powerful enough to puncture through and stick out the other side, and into the skull or the other. Killing them both instantaneously, blood spilling out before their bodies fade into a malace mist. All that stood was the towering moblin, just as dumb but ten times more strong than a bokoblin. It was enraged, it ran as fast it could at Link, bringing up a giant gnarled wooden stick to bash his head in. Link narrowly dodges out of its way as it crashes down with a loud thud. He makes a break for the trees, hoping another arrow would save him, or at least by him time.
The moblin charged again, tongue and teeth barring as it ran manically. As if Link prayers were answered, another arrow shoots out with forceful speed. Flying past his head so fast and so close he felt the fletching tickle his cheek. His eyes followed the best they could as he turned his head with it. A crunch of bone heard as it now jutted out between the moblins eyes. It's heavy body falling to its knees and face plants, driving it further into its head. Link watched down at it as it faded away, leaving behind a horn and teeth. Now only one problem remained, who or what the hell saved him?
" Uhm... I hope you're friendly...who ever you are, thank you!" He calls, trying his best to catch his breath. For a moment nothing happened, leaving link wondering if maybe he did die and was just dreaming he was saved. " Hello..? Show yourself! So I may thank you properly!" He calls again, this time his voice trying to sound more intimidating. Right away, a low voice chuckles, and a shadowy figure emerges out of the trees. Just enough to make out a tall silhouette. "'re the great hero of Hyrule I've heard so much about." A man's voice comes out with a condescending tone. " Uh— Yes I suppose that's me.." Link becomes more cautious now, slowly picking up the gnarled stick the moblin dropped. "Who are you? Show yourself." Link raises the stick, readying himself. " Rather testy to someone who just saved you, huh?" The tall man walks forward from the shadows, the sun between the tree tops shine down just enough to reveal a Yiga Clan mask. " Yiga!" Link grits angrily, now fully brandishing the weapon.
" What the hell do you want?" Link spits. The yiga man chuckles again. Making Links eye twitch in anger and confusion. " I simply came to speak with you, is that such a crime?" He's fully emerged now, a katana blade tucked away in its scabbard on his back, along with his bow and arrows. Link did not like this situation one bit, but unfortunately for him, the Yiga was blocking his only escape route. " I do not wish to hear what you have to say. Yiga are riddled with lies and stupidity. Now get out of my way." Links patience grows thin. The man's arms raised half way in defense. " Come on hero, don't forget, I saved you." He emphasizes saved and you, mocking Link. He's rather annoying and Link is growing tired of making conversation with him. "I could have handled it by myself." Links pride seeps through.
" Oh really? Because— to me it looked like you were cowering away and then became too exhausted to take them on." He laughs but it quickly dies down. " Ok—ok , look, I didn't travel for hours through the mucky woods to berate you. Although, it is tickling." Link can feel the man's smirk from under his mask. Link raises his weapon even higher, aiming it head on towards the Yigas head, threateningly. The Yiga speaks up again, " I have to reiterate— I came to have a simple conversation with YOU." He has a hint of his own annoyance now. Links arm never moving the gnarled stick, " And just what is so important for a Yiga to say? I cannot trust a word from your tongue." Links eyes narrow in on the man, an icy glare fixates his every movement. He begins to step closer, as if completely unfazed by the stare and weapon pointed towards him by Hyrules greatest knight. With each step he takes, Link backs away, eyes never leaving his mask and hands.
It was quite odd this Yiga had saved him, of course it could all just be trickery to capture him or kill him with his guard down. But he wasn't gonna go down at the hands of a dumb witted Yiga. " I—" before the man could utter the rest of the sentence, Link swings the hefty stick at him, lunging with each swing. The Yiga slightly taken off his guard only to quickly recover and draw his katana. Their weapons clash together, his sword slicing into the side of Links gnarled stick. The Yiga was matching Links strength. Their faces close together for a split moment as the weaponry collide. Link could feel the Yiga's eyes peering through his mask into his.
The Yiga, much quicker and crafty, side sweeps Links legs unexpectedly. Throwing Link to the ground only to roll and recover farther back. They both raise their weapons to one another, but none make the first move. " I did not come here for a petty little fight." The Yiga is clearly angered now. Link scoffs, " Then drop your weapons." He nods towards the bow on the others back, and sword in hand. The Yiga grunts angrily, unmoving. Until, finally, in a huff, drops his katana and slides it to Link with his foot. Removing the bow from his back and chucking it by the sword. " There." He spits. His hands half raising by his sides again. " You have the upper hand, so now may I please inquire you?"
Link thinks for a moment, for so many obvious reasons he does not trust him, but his curiosity gets the better of him.
" Speak." He demands. His eyes still narrowed at him as he bends to pick up the sword, now pointing the blade towards the man. " Well... things really aren't as the seem, you see....I am no longer with the Yiga." He sighs. " Wh—" link starts but is interrupted.
" Now wait—obviously you have no right to trust me, but I did SAVE you. I could have easily let you be devoured... but I DID travel quite far after overhearing two idiots mention your whereabouts. I came to actually...request something of you.." his voice turns from that of playful mischief to a more serious one. Link scoffs loudly at him, annoying the yiga yet again. " You have a request? This HAS to be a good one. I could use a good laugh after today." Link spits, mocking the man whose fists now ball in anger. " I want to atone for my Sins as a Yiga. And I know you're a figure who helps those in need.I have traveled to request to join you to defeat the Demon King." His voice was steady and stern as he spoke, his words barely swaying Link. " A yiga who's seen the error of his ways and wants to atone? Hell must have froze over." Links stiff posture loosens as well as the arm raising the sword. " So why on earth should I help you? I have my own shit to deal with. I'm not a baby sitter." Link retorts back.
The Yiga shakes his head angrily. " Look— I went god damn AWOL. And any traitor to the Yiga get beheaded. I risked my life and all I've ever known leaving. This is not a decision to take lightly! I know I have followed a bad path— but I cannot die without making up for my sins. I wont. PLEASE. Help me." His words pleading. Link is actually a little more convinced by his pitiful show. Link ponders for a moment before speaking. "... Alright." He mutters. The Yigas head raises as if he never thought he would ever get a yes.
" BUT... there will be rules. And the MOMENT you break them, I will not hesitate to strike you down were you stand." Link cannot believe the words coming from his own mouth, but they clearly please the Yiga. " I swear, on Hylia , I will atone and help you along your journey." He bows his head to Link. Link brushes him off with a scoff. " A yiga with manners, that's a first." He withdraws the sword. Which takes the attention of the Yiga. " Might I have my sword and bow back? Since I'd be pretty useless without them." He tilts his head. His exhaustive mocking tone is wearing thin on Link. " Here." Link roughly kicks his bow back to him. " I'm keeping the sword." Link says coldly, but his face fights off a smirk.
" Fair enough." The man is clearly wanting to argue against it. Link starts walking, ignoring the man's presence that follows behind him like a shadow. An annoying one. After a while of walking in silence and the man having no idea where he was even following him to, he decides to break the silence " You know— I always thought the great hero was taller. You're barely to my chin." He's clearly trying to get a rise out of Link. He laughs to himself behind Link, pleased as he can see Links knuckles turn white on the hand gripping the hilt of the sheathed sword. Link curses himself for allowing this dim witted man to follow along like a stray dog. This was going to be a very...very, long journey.

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