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Tonight Bryant and Taylor were celebrating their wedding. It was a touching ceremony, everything was planned down to the last detail. The decorations were a beautiful white and gold color, the flowers were delicately picked and intricate in pattern.

The two lovers had expressed their undying feelings for one another in the most heartfelt setting. And their fate was sealed with the most passionate kiss the two had ever had. All of their love and joy was shown through the kiss.

The party was also planned to perfection. The tables were decorated with fine china and roses as centerpieces. The wooden floors were so clean you could see your reflection, and the dance floor was ready for use.

"I love you, Mrs. Taylor Swift-Hayes." Bryant mumbled happily as he connected his lips onto his wife's. "I love you too." Taylor sighed once they pulled away. She rested her head on his shoulder and tried her best to hide the pink tinted on her cheeks. As they exchanged sweet nothings with one another, guests started eating their food.

"Do you like the food?" Taylor asked Bryant as they tucked into their meal. "I think it's absolutely wonderful." He answered and wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Do you not like yours?" The brunette followed up. "No it's good." The singer shook her head in hopes he wouldn't make a scene. "You can have mine." He decided and took her plate. He slid his plate over to her side and started eating her food.

"Thank you." Taylor mumbled. "It's no problem at all. I think this is quite delicious too." Bryant excused. "It's chilly in here." He added. "I told you we should've had an outdoor wedding party." She quipped in the 'I told you so' tone. "I thought it would be too hot. It's the middle of July." He expressed.

"You fight like an old married couple." Austin commented from opposite side of the table. Both Bryant and Taylor rolled their eyes at him.

In response to his brother in laws comment, Bryant wrapped his arm around Taylor and brought her in close. The blonde sighed happily and pressed a soft kiss to her husbands cheek before resting her head on his shoulder and looking up at him with love in her eyes. He looked down at her with the same expression.

Andrea snapped a quick picture of the scene and then let them have their moment. What broke them out of their moment, was the music starting up.

The tune of "Lover" made its way into the room and Bryant stood up. "May I have this dance?" He asked in a posh accent and held his hand out to Taylor. "You most certainly may." She responded in the same tone and accepted his hand. He placed a kiss onto the back of her hand and led her onto the dance floor.

The couple swished around the dance floor without a care in the world. They were both able to dance without stepping on each other's feet, and they glided around beautifully. Taylor's dressed flowed as she danced, and Bryant was even able to spin her around once or twice.

All of the guests just awwed at the couple and some even filmed the moment. At the end of the song, Taylor connected their lips intimately. Like they were the only ones in the room. Everyone cheered and clapped for them before the song changed into something upbeat.

Bryant instantly broke out into a silly dance, causing Taylor to laugh at his antics and join in. He lip singed all the words while dancing and gently took Taylor's hand so she could join in.

Eventually the dance floor turned into a mosh pit and Bryant got to be in the very middle. He pulled out all of his best moves which included the sprinkler, the moonwalk and the dougie. Taylor was surprised they still let him be in the middle after he started doing the whip and nae nae.

"Alright, I have to get some water." Bryant excused himself and politely smiled at everyone as he exited the dance floor. Taylor was sitting with her mom and some cousins. She looked over at him and patted the seat next to her.

"Hey." Bryant mumbled as he collapsed down onto the chair. He rested his head back on the back of the chair and sighed tiredly before drinking out of Taylor's glass. "Too much dancing?" Andrea asked and he nodded. "Here, try this. It's really good." Taylor told the man next to her.

She stuck her fork in a bit of meat and cut it into a small piece. She lifted up the fork and held it up to him. He opened his mouth and let her slide the fork in.

The rest of the night was spent dancing and conversing with everyone around them. Everyone had the same thing to say, Bryant and Taylor were very in love with each other, and it warmed everyone's hearts.

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