Feelings being said

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Everyone was gathered in the living room waiting for Anti to open up to them. Anti sat next to Evelien fiddling with his fingers nervously scared to open up to them, but he knew he needed to give them an explanation. Evelien was there reassuring the demon that everything was going to be alright and no one hated him for what he did, but Anti still had the feeling of guilt within him. He didn't feel like looking at everyone as he explained himself to them he'd rather avoid everyone's eye contact.

"It's okay, Anti. Take all the time you need." Evelien said, smiling softly at the demon.

Anti nodded and took a deep breath in ready to explain himself to them.

"The r-reason why I-I took Marvin's spell book w-was because...I-I thought it'd be better to s-stay like this..." Anti said, keeping his head down.

"But why? Don't you want to be an adult again?" Jackie asked, looking at the demon confused.

"Yeah, when Marvin said he found the proper spell book to turn ya back we thought you'd be happy about it." Chase added.

Anti fiddled with his fingers more. He was too nervous to tell them the reason why he wanted to stay like this. They would think he was too needy and that's something the demon didn't want them thinking about him.

"Why don't you wanna be an adult again?" Jackie asked, still confused.

"I-I....don't k-know..." Anti said, tearing up a bit.

Henrik quickly caught on and saw that the demon was lying to them, "Anti, don't lie to us. I can see zhat you are." Henrik said, crossing his arms.

Anti sighed softly; he knew the doctor can see when people lie to him. He knew the truth had to come out eventually. Anti couldn't find the words. It was hard and the panic started to rise once again. The doctor immediately took notice and looked at the demon concerned.

"Anti, it's okay. Take deep breaths." Henrik said, frowning softly.

Anti started to glitch a bit trying to follow the doctor's instructions. Henrik watched closely at the demon making sure he was doing what he was instructed. The small demon soon started to calm down and he was ready to explain himself. He looked up at everyone with tears in his eyes.

"I-I thought i-if I stayed a child you guys w-would want to hangout with me...I-I took Marvin's spell book because I thought you g-guys would hate me less if I stayed t-this way...." Anti said, fiddling with his fingers anxiously.

JJ looked at the small demon and frowned, 'We don't hate you at all Anti! Of course we want to hangout with you." JJ signed.

"Y-You do? But w-why? I did s-so many terrible things to y-you guys..." Anti said, looking at them confused.

Jackie smiled a bit, "You didn't do anything wrong to make us hate you, Anti. All you did was harmless little pranks. They weren't harmful at all, why would we hate you over that?"

Anti only shrugged in response, unsure of how to answer Jackie's question. Evelien smiled softly, ruffling Anti's hair softly.

"We don't hate you at all, hun. We love you and don't be afraid to open up to us. We're family and family sticks together." Evelien said, smiling happily.

Anti felt a little better now that he explained why he took Marvin's spell book, but now he had to see if Marvin would accept his apology. He looked at Marvin and frowned a bit.

"I-I'm so sorry, Marvin. I didn't mean to cause a-any trouble. C-Can you ever f-forgive me?..." Anti asked, looking at Marvin worriedly.

Marvin smiled softly at the small demon, "Of course I forgive you, little bro. I'm not mad at you. I'm proud of you that you mustered up the courage to open up to us about what was going on."

Anti smiled happily and got up off the couch to hug his brother. Marvin lifted him up and hugged him tightly. He was glad that Anti told him the reason why he stole his book. Now he can get back to work on the antidote. Once everything was settled everyone went off to their own rooms except for Marvin and Anti. They were both in the living room. Marvn decided they'd have a little movie night together to have some more brother bonding. Marvin decided to let Anti pick the movie which the small demon was happy about. Anti chose his favorite horror movie for them to watch. Marvin and Anti went into the kitchen to collect some snacks and drinks for them to enjoy during the movie. Marvin came back into the living room with a couple of snacks while Anti carried the drinks they set them on the coffee table in front of them. Anti crawled onto the couch and watched as Marvin put in the movie, pressing play. Marvin walked over to the couch and sat down next to Anti picking up a bag of chips that was placed on the coffee table in front of them. Marvin opened the bag and took a couple of chips to munch on before handing the bag to Anti. They both sat there happily munching on snacks enjoying the movie together.

The movie had just ended and Marvin looked down at Anti, smiling softly. The small demon fell asleep during the movie Marvin slowly got up trying not to wake the demon up. Marvin picked up all the snacks and threw away the trash that needed to be thrown away. Once the coffee table was cleaned up he carefully picked Anti up and carried him to his room. Marvin opened Anti's bedroom door and walked over to his bed, placing the small demon down carefully. Marvin put the covers over Anti and quietly exited out the room, closing the door behind him. Marvin had to admit he had a good time hanging out with Anti. Anti may be a pain in the ass, but he was really fun to hang around with. Marvin entered his room and sat down at his desk ready to continue working on the antidote.

"I'm so close to making it perfect! I gotta keep working on it. I'm not giving up now, not when I'm so close." 

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