you miss him cause he's on tour

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it's been 8 months since harry left for tour and you really missed him. you missed his voice, his hugs and the intimate contact with him.
"what if i call him?" you thought.
so you did, you searched for harry in your contacts and then you found him.
"hi babe" you said with a low voice
"hi Y/N" he said, he sounded very stressful
"am i bothering you? are you busy?" you said
"yeah a little bit! the show starts in 10 minutes." he said
"oh.. well okay. bye then" you said with a sad voice
"no baby, don't be sad. why are you sad?" he said
"i- i just miss you so damn much. it's so quiet here when you're in America. babe... please come home to England, please." you said as you begin to cry
"honey i wish i could... but this is my job you know. i just can't skip it. i miss you too so much, it hurts. but remember, i'll be home in 1,5 week. we can see each other on face time till then, okay? i love you Y/N" harry said with a sad voice
"okay, i love you so much more harry." you said as you two hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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