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Change is like a disease. It breaks you down, and hurts. Until it comes time to end, and it either goes uphill, or you're done for. But either way you have to go through pain and destruction, and unfortunately there's no escaping it, or hiding from it.

Change messes with you. Creates a barrier from a better self, or different world, or a different and better relationship. Change is a tornado swirling at top speed in your mind, in your soul, confusing you and disorienting you in every which way possible.

It hurts to feel, it hurts to push through, and it hurts if you decide to drop out midway. There's only one ending when you drop out. There's only one ending if you push through. It'd be a loose either way.

I use to think I was strong, and knew who I was; and to some extent, I still do. But life is such a twisted tornado of Change, that it swirls me and shoves me the opposite direction with no remorse. I loose sight of my strength, using too much to stay alive and well enough to function. But I also loose sight of myself, leaving any sense of confidence behind me.

The more of Change there is, the more confused and lost I am. And I can't do anything about it. Salty tears only sink into my skin soothingly for a short period of time. The rest of the time, I can only be forced to cope with being snappy, and harsh. Because it reflects inside, and I haven't a way to hide inside. I can hide outside all I want, but as soon as my own freedom and control is taken, I'm a hurricane only waiting for the season to come so I can cause agony to those around me.

Only resulting with fading off, myself. As all Storms do. As Water dries out, and as Love dies when you die. As Trees loose every single piece of their living selves until there's not one left. Until there's no leaves in the Fall and can't sprout back to life when everything else does.

The way Weeds grow tall and fast. The way Flowers bloom with Rain and Warmth. The way Bugs and Birds come to life with the Sun, with the World and their homes around them.

Change is a tragic entity, and there is no control over Change; and if you let it, Change controls you. Sometimes, you don't know how to control Change's control on you. That's just something you have to fight and figure out while you get broken down by everything around you.

Unfortunately, if you aren't a fighter? You'll be scorched from the inside out, starting with your Soul, and your candle light. Because that Light dims as soon as that scorching burns the wax quicker than you can realize it's happening.

It's important to have a spare candle. . .otherwise the Dark will capture you, and Change will win.

Word Count: 500 words

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