i love my stud of a college roommate

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I'm back off hiatus I guess! If you are new here, welcome. If you remember me, welcome back!

It's been a while. I've got a 2-part fic here for y'all that I've been nervous about publishing. Hopefully you all enjoy :)


If Kaveh could make a list of all the things he wanted in life, Alhaitham would be at the very top.

               It was irrefutable, not even close to being up for any sort of debate. But college was tough, especially as a senior architecture major.

               Living with your top wish in life was probably not the best line of action for someone who needs to focus on their studies.

               But it was actually never that bad, right? He had passing grades, friends that cared about him, and an academic scholarship to die for. So the argument of who he was living with was not really an issue. The issue was why he thought at some point it would be a good idea to stick around with him.

Alhaitham found his sanctuary for study to be the library across campus, which at least constantly gave Kaveh time to focus on his own work before he arrived back at the dorm at nearly 10:12 PM. The specific time was assumed after countless attempts of Kaveh guessing, all before realizing that it was much more particular than he originally thought. Alhaitham would literally walk in at that time every night that he returned from the library.

               What makes Kaveh so sure? Well, he has no clue exactly. He plays into the hopes of repetition that Alhaitham possesses, dragging himself to become more daring with his actions.

               Which is exactly why at 10:04 PM, Kaveh was jerking off with two fingers up his ass. He was whining to himself, tugging at his cock as if it was the last thing he would do before he died. On the other side of the room, the door was left purposefully unlocked. After all, it would be a shame if Alhaitham forgot his keys and would get locked out. However, Alhaitham was not the roommate that was known for doing such a thing.

    "F—Fuck..." He echoed dimly, feeling a shot of ecstasy as his fingers prodded slightly deeper than his previous attempts. As his eyes rolled back and teeth grit with nothing to find purchase against, Kaveh felt himself growing closer to the edge. He felt a needy whine rip right from the back of his throat, throwing his head back as he panted and his mouth dropped open in pleasure.

"Please... please Haitham, please... I wanna cum..." He whined to himself, the urgency almost as if the intended receiver was in the room with him.

    But Kaveh's eyes twisted in a pained expression, and he began to slow his own movements on himself. His eyebrows digressed into a mix of sorrow and pain, a silent beg forming between his lips.

    "No, no, no, no... I've been so good. Please... please!" He was hushing out in soft whispers—begging—a plea falling on nothing but the silence of his own bedroom. Surrounding him was the heady and woodsy scent of Alhaitham, swimming through his nostrils and settling deep in his chest and he keened with a quiet whine.

    But it was only himself being his own downfall. His eyebrows cocked downwards, a tight vexation overtaking his features at his own actions. A warm bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face, and an airy gasp was forced out of his chest at the need for more stimulation.

    In a mixture of frustration and want, Kaveh carelessly removed his fingers from his hole, gasping at the small amount of lube that he could feel trailing out of his hole from the withdrawal. With a breathy sigh, he grouped three of his fingers together, hurrying to start pressing them against his hole with the thicker amount.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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