Chapter 5

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Chase put his phone on the nightstand, staring at the ceiling and getting lost in his many thoughts. Mainly about what happened at the track with Y/N and Ryan.

He wasn't going to lie to himself, he definitely had a crush on Y/N. But he was wondering if she liked him back. He kept reminding himself that a relationship wouldn't work in the sport, but his feelings were too strong. But what had happened with Y/N and Ryan at the track was getting to him. Was he jealous? I mean when she looked at Ryan, she blushed. It was as plain as day.

Chase sat up, sighing and running a hand through his hair. Was he overthinking this? Maybe he needed some fresh air. He stood up, walking out of his room and going out to his back porch, standing by the door and thinking. His thoughts were running a mile a minute, all about Y/N.

He decided to call it a night and went back inside and back to his room, laying on bed and eventually falling asleep.

"Man, I'm so excited for the race!" Bubba said. "Especially now that we have a new driver on the grid." Kevin Harvick added. "Wasn't her name.. uh.. Y/N?" Joey asked. "Yeah, it is." William said.

Some of the drivers were hanging out by the buses after qualifying, talking about the race that was coming tomorrow. Chase was there, but wasn't engaging in the conversation, but he was listening into the conversation. Every sentence was something about Y/N.

Y/N soon walked over to the group of racers in her new Arco firesuit, beaming with happiness. "Hi guys!" She said excitedly. "Oh- hey Y/N! You did amazing out there!" William said, to which she responded with "Well- maybe? I only got 7th.." she giggled. She walked over to Chase, who was standing up right with his arms crossed over his chest. Y/N hesitated before walking over to him, leaning onto his back. Chase casually wrapped his arms around her, keeping his deadpan face.

Bubba looked at them, smirking. "Soo~ what's this about?" He asked. Chase looked at him with a slight glare. "What's what?" He asked with a hint of anger. "Why do you have your arms around Y/N?" Kevin said. "Because I can?" He said, now with more confusion instead of anger. "Yeah well-" Joey put a hand over William's mouth before he could finish. "Never mind them, Chase!" He said.

Y/N sat there, very confused. Yes, she found it very comfortable to have Chase's arms around her, but why was he getting mad about the others asking about it? William managed to remove Joey's hand from his mouth, but he didn't say a word. Soon enough, Ryan walked up to the group. "Hey guys!!" He said excitedly.

"Hey Ryan, how'd it go?" Chase asked his best friend, but his question didn't get an answer as Ryan switched topics. "Soo~ cuddling now, are we?" He said. Chase blushed a bit at the comment, but still didn't let go of Y/N, who was as red as Chase Briscoe's 14 car. "Why are you all up in our business, Ryan?" Chase shot back, making Ryan throw his hands up in defense. "I was just asking man, chill out!"

Y/N pushed herself off of Chase, making him confused. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I- have to meet with my crew chief, he wanted to talk to me." She quickly walked away. Chase watched her walk away, disappointed washing over him. "I should probably go too." He walked away in the same direction Y/N. Everyone looked at each other with the same thought.

"They're definitely in love."

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