3 - fevered whispers

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Albus awoke on that fateful Wednesday morning, a sense of unease permeating every fibre of his being. The room spun around him as he attempted to rise from his bed, feeling an overwhelming dizziness that eclipsed even the discomfort of his persistent nausea. His pointy hat and dishevelled black Hogwarts robes lay scattered on the floor, remnants of the previous night's weariness. Even his wand, usually carefully placed on the bedside table, had found itself unceremoniously discarded amidst the chaos.

With trembling hands and a heavy heart, Albus struggled to regain his composure. His limbs felt unnervingly numb, unresponsive to his desperate pleas for control. Tear-filled eyes met his reflection in the mirror, his usually tidy auburn hair now a complete mess, sweat clinging on his face, a visage filled with both confusion and concern. The weight of uncertainty bore down upon him, the haunting question persisting-could this be the telltale sign of the dragon pox that his best friend had endured? Did he do too much with his wand yesterday at the task?

He collapsed onto the cold wooden floor.

As he lay there, overwhelmed by a mix of fear and vulnerability, Albus contemplated his next steps. Should he seek immediate help from the school healer or hastily send an owl to his mother, who used to nurse him back to health as a schoolboy? The options felt both close and frustratingly out of reach as his body weakened, unable to support even the simplest of movements.

Albus's trembling hand closed around his wand, a lifeline in his time of distress. Summoning all his willpower, he managed to pull himself up from the disarrayed floor, using the sturdy table that had served as a platform for his studies as support, accidentally knocking over a pile of letters that had sat on the desk. With a determined yet unsteady gait, he reached out to grasp the quill and ink, settling into the chair with a heavy sigh. Perhaps, just perhaps, he was overreacting.

The weight of exhaustion settled upon Albus as he sat at his desk, his body and mind drained of energy. The mere thought of engaging in his usual studies felt like an impossible task, and the thought about it only made his head hurt. It pained him to admit that this would be the first time in ages that he would miss a class, breaking his streak of perfect attendance. Glancing at the hand-me-down watch from his father that adorned his wrist, its hands pointing to a mere eight past six, he realised that time was slipping away, the minutes ticking relentlessly onward, giving him less and less time to decide.

As Albus stared at the watch, a mix of frustration and resignation washed over him. He knew deep down that his physical and mental state necessitated rest and recuperation. To push forward in his weakened state would only result in further setbacks. He got back up a couple of minutes later, trembling, and went back to sleep, only to be bothered again in hours to come.


Elphias and Horace entered the bustling Great Hall, their gazes scanning the room in search of the familiar sight of their friend engrossed in his book. To their surprise, Albus was nowhere to be found. A pang of concern tugged at Elphias' heart as he exchanged a worried glance with Horace.

Shrugging off their initial unease, assuming that they're just overreacting. They took their seats at their usual table, attempting to quell the growing worries in their minds. Perhaps Albus simply wasn't feeling hungry that morning, they reasoned. However, as the breakfast session progressed, the absence of their friend continued to weigh heavily upon them.

Throughout the day, Elphias and Horace attended their morning classes, which was Potions and Herbology with a mixture of Beauxbatons students with Hogwarts students. They couldn't help but notice Albus's absence in either of them. The worry deepened with each passing hour.

In the corridors between classes, a hushed whisper filled the air, and Elphias couldn't help but notice that it revolved around Albus's name. Even students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, attention suddenly towards Elphias, approached him with questions, their curiosity piqued by Albus's sudden absence.

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