3) healed

61 2 0

~ Fenrys ~

📍 House of Wind, Velaris

The man, who I still haven't gotten a name for, led us to a room not very far away from the dining room we were just in. Carrying Aelin I could tell she wasn't doing very well, aside from the obvious wounds, her breaths were shallow and her heartbeat was slow and unsteady. I needed to heal her as best as I could before asking anyone else for help. I understood why she didn't want any healers, but without them, it was just going to be more difficult.

He opened the doors to a bedroom with a large bed in the middle of the room with a bench at the foot of it, a seating area next to a large window, bookshelves on the wall next to the door, and 2 doors on the far wall probably to a washroom and closet. I stepped inside and turned back to the man. He looked between Aelin and I before speaking

"Supplies will be in the washroom," he pointed to the door on the far wall closest to the bed. "If you need anything at all, we will all be in the dining room,"

"Thank you," I said hoping to get him out of here so I could help Aelin.

"Also, there will be dinner in about 2 hours. If you could both join us that would be appreciated," He said.

"Alright, we'll be there," he nodded and left the room.

With Aelin still in my arms, I rushed over to the washroom and found the bath already drawn with warm water. I set her carefully into the bath, and the clear water was quickly tinted with red. She took her shift off and placed it on the ground next to the bath. I had seen her naked dozens of times before, when the healers came to erase her skin, so there was no awkwardness in seeing her bare.

I was looking around the room for products while Aelin was lightly rubbing at her skin to get the dried blood off. I found shampoo and body wash and walked over to the tub. I sat behind her on a stool and began to wash her hair.

After Aelin was clean and the bath was more blood than water, I lifter her out of the tub and sat her on the stool while wrapping a towel around her. I left her there to go get us both some clothes from the closet. Opening the closet it was full of gowns and expensive looking tunics. I found baggy pants and loose tunics for the both of us but set them on the bed, since before either of us could change I needed to heal Aelin. I went back to the washroom, and picked her up placing her on the bed so she was sitting at the foot of it with her feet placed on the bench below. I sat down on the bench at looked up at her.

"I have to set the bones right first, okay?" That was going to hurt like a bitch but considering she endured Cairn bringing the hammer down on her knees, I wasn't worried that she couldn't handle it.

She nodded, then whispered, "Just do it, Fenrys, please." I nodded in return and moved to kneel in front of her, placing my hands on her right leg first. Then I began to set her knee again.

~ Mor ~

Rhys just came back from showing Aelin and Fenrys to a room and we were all seated on the couches and chairs. Nobody was speaking, too lost in their thoughts about the human girl and wolf-man in the other room. After several minutes, I decided to break the silence.

"Why did she refuse the healers?" I asked, there were more pressing questions but we need to ask Aelin and Fenrys those first. Everyone looked up at me, not offering any answers.

"Maybe she just has lingering trauma from healers and doesn't trust them." Azriel offered. It made sense, but-

"From the skin I could see, she didn't have any scars." Rhys said. Exactly.

"But that doesn't make sense, her shift was covered in her blood, old and new alike. She would have to have scars from those injuries." Cassian said.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that one, they fell through a portal into Azriel's apartment. Two, the man was a wolf and three, she had on an iron mask and iron gloves that looked like they were made specifically for her." Amren argued. It was true, we have no idea how they got here, why there are here, or even where they came from.

"She's human, so that poses even more questions about how she got here." Rhys said.

"Is she? I mean she had an extremely powerful aura around her. Almost like when you don't release your power for a while." Amren added. I didn't notice an aura but that's not surprising, I was focused on how the girl didn't pass out from pain or exhaustion.

"Well I asked them to join us for dinner, so we can ask them then. Until then they're probably going to be healing and resting. We should do the same. Lets reconvene at dinner in 2 hours." Rhys said, ending the discussion for now. I stayed seated and so did Cassian and Azriel while Amren and Rhys went elsewhere.

"She didn't even seem that phased at the fact that both her knee's were bashed in." Said Cassian

"It's like she's been through worse. Which it difficult to imagine considering how young she looks." Azriel added

"Seriously, she barely looks 20." I whispered but it was loud enough for them both to hear. They murmured their agreement before Azriel went back to his apartment to clean up before dinner and Cassian and I went our separate ways.

I guess I'll have to wait until dinner to get any answers.

Scars - Celaena by taratjah on DeviantArt

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