Chapter 1: Being an Introvert

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The difference between a withdrawn introvert and a bold extrovert is huge and immeasurable. This will be hard to understand by someone in one go, but mind you, there is a difference. Hard because half of the people around me are still unaware of the fact that I am an introvert. This includes my friends, colleagues, seniors, juniors, teachers, professors, relatives and surprisingly my parents as well. 

This book is not a guide to enlighten you about how you will differentiate between introverts and extroverts or why some people come out as extrovert first and end up being introverts at the end and vice versa. 

I am from a brown family and we have some serious standard way of upbringing that might look like it needs fixing but believe me it doesn't. I won't be going into them because that would drift me from the idea as to why I thought of writing this book. Brown families have some customary dos and don'ts and because of which someone like me cannot come up telling everyone that I am an introvert. Why so? Because you need to be outgoing since every now and then you have relatives coming up at your place and the parents expect you to be all smiling and welcoming. 

I had a jolly and fun loving personality when I was a kid. I still am, but I guess I just stopped expressing it in literal terms to the people and world when I got into university. I won't call it maturity, because I know my age is just a number, I am still a kid. During my school and college life I use to befriend people within seconds and believe me it all came from my side. I would attend social gatherings, meet relatives and be the most outgoing person I could ever be. I was expressive through my verbal words as well as noticeable actions.

I took some time to realize this but I have come to the conclusion that, I am an introvert. You must be wondering, an introvert writing about her own introversion and expressing all her minute details doesn't actually make her one. Three reasons I am doing this, firstly it's a book filled with my feelings and no direct contact is being made (I guess it's just the vibes and that will totally do), second I am trying to reach people of my 'kind' who would relate to this and third to make sure the positive aspects of being an introvert is clearer to the extrovert's out there. Someone has rightly said one has to undergo the peculiar circumstances to talk about it. If one has nothing to do with the thing they are talking about. I guess they are just sympathizing or else they are people with the most understanding minds.

In this fast paced world you are expected to be outgoing and if you are not you are being tagged as a person who has gained no experience. The more 'talkative' you are, the more stories you have to share, you are an individual with life accomplishments (snore). But then what about us? Introverts have the smallest list of people in their circle and on top of that they are short of words. Does that make us a no experience individual?

Sometimes doing both of these things leaves you, away from you! Did you get that? No? Well let me explain. Before we look for a friend in others, we need to become our own friend. To grow in life you need to give plenty of time to yourself. And apart from the 1% introverted people in this whole planet I guess the remaining 99% realize their introversion only somewhere in the early or mid 20s. Now someone reading this would say, it might be because of the way you look, that insecurity about your figure or your complexion. Actually no! These don't bother us, what bothers more is the way people treat you while projecting all that. So it is not at all related to a person's introvert nature.

Me coming out as an introvert was difficult to grab hold for me and am still reeling with it. Now to explain all this in an understandable language to people around you is a much bigger task starting right from my parents. I remember I told my elder sister recently and she said, "You don't look like an introvert." Well how do I explain it to her that it was never about looks.

Zoning out for me as an introvert every time feels like a new door opening in to a new horizon. Now to be clear we don't zone out while we are with you in a group, we zone out when we are left alone. There is a big difference. While we are with people we will behave the way the situation demands, but in our solitary confinement we become what we want to be. Thoughts become more vivid and natural. Imagination feels surreal and that is when we create wonders around us. So the end-note to this is, leave us if you want us to be productive!

How was Chapter 1 of Soul of an Introvert?

I would be truly happy if this reaches to as many introvert's as possible because I am looking for a community that understands without judging. From next chapter on-wards I will put up some quotes as well while I share my true experiences with ya'll.

Until then stay happy! You are precious!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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