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      Hi. My name is Kaya, and this is my life. I'm going to start high school in a month. I'm scared about it, I have been home-schooled all my life, but something terrible happened last summer. My grams Helen died of brain cancer. Ever since then, my dad Jack has changed. He started drinking and verbally abusing me and my sister Holly.  I don't know how my mom Mary married this man.

     I am 15 and I don't have any friends, actually I had a lot before we moved to Maryland. I used to live in orange county Florida but we moved because my mom got a new job as a pilot. She also got a second job at this dinner that is always open. She's never home and that's because of my dad, if he hadn't been drinking and if he didn't lost his job we would be a normal family. I know, I know that rude of me to say and I know its hard loosing someone you loved but there is away to handle it.

    I wish we would be a normal family that woke up and ate breakfast at the same table, the said our goodbyes as they go to work and me and my sister go to school. Then when we are all home we would eat dinner at the table and talk about our day. But my mom is at work, my dad is out drinking, and that leaves me and my sister. I don't know how to cook but I learned trough the Internet. I would learn anything for my sister, hell I would do anything to protect my sister.

   All that seems to go trough my head is when I will finally take me and my sister out of this house. Holly  deserves so much better .

     When I turn 18 I can rent an apartment and get a full job to suport my living. I know most people are thinking "what about collage , is she just going to stop at high school?" Well no, because right now I go to an online collage but only my mom knows because she is the one that opened me a collage savings account . She said it was okay to get an education but I just have to take care of my sister , which I promised on my life I would.

      I really don't wanna start school I don't feel like seeing new people, but i seem to have no choice. I am looking forward to one thing tho before we moved to Maryland i talked to my high school principal  and made sure I would get music class in my new high school. What people don't know about me is that I love music. It takes me to another world. I can play the guitar and piano.

    Me and Holly sing together if my dad yells at us it seems to make Holly happy. She really is my  heart, I really don't know what i would do with out her. She is gonna go to third grade and I am so happy for her. I really hope she can make new friends. I would give up my life to make her happy.

*The song on the side is my favorite song at the moment and it fits the mood of this intro,  and the picture is of Kaya and Holly.*

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