Kevin and streber

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"Hey kev!"
Streber says, talking on call with Kevin. "Oh, hey strebs- you needed something?" Kevin asked over the call, in a confused tone. "Well...I was thinking..what if we went out tonight? Ey? A movie, perhaps.." streber said, doing some dishes while the phone is on the counter, on speaker "oh- I uhm..I mean, that sounds wonderful! But I'm a little busy.." "oh, if your busy that's alright!" Streber said "maybe we could another time?" Streber said, sounding a little sad. "You know...i guess I could put of work actually and make some time for you...I guess we could go tonight!" Kevin said, sounding a little tired, but he hasn't seen streber in quite awhile. So he thought it'd be pretty nice to see him after abit. afew hours passed and Kevin texted streber that he was coming to pick him up, he arrived at strebers house. "Hey kev!" Streber said, smilling at Kevin's apearence, he hadn't seen him in awhile..maybe in atleast one month, by now. All he'd wanna do is hug and kiss Kevin at this point. "Hey strebs! You can sit right there-" Kevin says, it's the seat right next to him, the car was moving, on its way to some nice park. No one was there and it was about 10 pm now, Kevin finally stopped the car and they both got out. "Wow Kev, this place is really pretty!" He started to hold Kevin's hand, they both were staring at the beautiful moonlight, they were about to kiss...when suddenly..."AH HEY KEVIN!" A little kids voice was heard, Kevin turned around to see skid and pump "hello kevin!" Pump said "do you have candy Kevin? Where you gonna give candy to that guy? If so, can we have a candycane pleasee?"

                     Ok that's all I'm writing for now...

Streber and Kevin's date // spooky month // candybatz!! // streber x kevinWhere stories live. Discover now