Get lost..

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"Uhh..I wasn't gonna give him candy, but. Can you kids go-? How did you find me.. where are your parents?" "Oh, our moms said we could hang out!" "But its..atleast 11 pm kids should get home." Kevin said, he sounded slightly aggravated. "Ok Kevin! Come on skid, let's go have a spooky night!" Skid and pump ran off together, holding hands. Aw, it's like there siblings. "AH, now that there gone..shall we continue?" Kevin asked, leaning I streber, about to kiss him. "Oh, yes darling of course!" streber then leaned in and kissed Kevin, gently holding his waist. "Oh Kevin, I love you alot.." streber said, them breaking up the kiss. "I love you even more.."

Sorry I'll write more soon uh things are happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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Streber and Kevin's date // spooky month // candybatz!! // streber x kevinWhere stories live. Discover now