Chapter 3

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So this chapter is dedicated to @julietter934, @stinyfish and @SOKEEFEKOTLCFAN because they are the only people so far who have guessed something correctly that no one else has. What could it be? You should definitley check their profiles out and I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

"Bella," Mum's voice whispers, "it's time to wake up."

I groan as she pulls my blankets back and shakes my shoulder. Last night's events rush back and I bolt upright. I am surprised to hear the sounds of rain hitting the roof and the bellowing winds.

"It's raining?" I ask and Mum nods.

I climb out of bed and look through my window at the early morning lit sky. Clouds roll overhead and rain beats the window pane. The wind whistles and I can hear thunder in the distance.

"I've made pancakes," Mum tells me and we move into the kitchen.

We sit at the table in silence, stuffing our faces with the sweet cakes.

"Where do we have to go?" I ask quietly.

"Long Reef." Mum says.

I glance at the window where you can clearly see the rain and wind, "in this weather? Isn't it dangerous?"

"There's no thunderstorm above us yet," she says, "and the rain is here to act as our cover. No one else will be out in this rain."

"Or at six am." I mutter.

"Go pack a bag with some clothes and whatever else you want to take with you. Then get dressed, we'll leave not too long after." Mum tells me, grabbing our plates and running warm water over them in the sink.

I enter my room and grab my black duffle bag before I sit and stare at the ceiling. How can I possibly leave this place? My home. I hope that Mum's sister is nice. I wonder where I will be taken, where is Sophie Foster? Where does she live and why has Mum never visited her?

I open up my cupboard and stare at all my clothes. I choose only a few items. Three of my favourite shirts, one pair of pyjamas, a jumper, shorts and two sets of jeans. I fold everything before placing them into my bag.

Next I walk around my bedroom trying to choose some stuff to take with me, my phone and airpods, a scrapbook with photos of my family and the pretty pandora bracelet that Mum got for me, last birthday. Then I see my stuffed unicorn, Emma, sitting beside my pillow. I grab her and give her a giant cuddle before placing her in my bag. I do up the zipper and change out of my PJ's and into leggings, a T-shirt and hoodie.

I braid my hair, slip on my gumboots because I know it's going to be muddy outside and sling my duffle bag over my shoulder before I walk back into the kitchen.

"Good, you're ready." Mum says, tears in her eyes.

"What about Willow and Lulu?" I ask, "won't they be confused when they find that we are gone? They might think something has happened to us."

"Don't worry, I wrote some notes and put one on Willow's bedside table, another in front of the toilet where you can't miss it and I have also messaged her," Mum assures me, "they'll both sleep in though."

"What are they going to think when they find out I am gone?"

"I have a plan, do not worry Bella," Mum says.

"I am going to miss you all," I whisper and Mum leans down and gives me a hug.

"We will miss you as well," she murmurs, "I know that you will love where you are going and I doubt, if you can return back here, that you will not want to."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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