Prologue|| 00

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 This will mainly be his backstory and stuff sort of I guess

                                                                                         Y/n POV

Hi, my name is Y/n and I am a transfer student at PK Academy, today is currently my first day of moving into my new house so I set an alarm for early in the morning so that I could make sure I had everything that I needed, I got my voice recorder so that I could record the lecture and what we had to do, I lived in a cafe called Kuro Kuro, in the afternoons I would open the shop, and all day for the weekends, this is also how I survived, you see, at the age of ten, me and my parents were taking the very first family trip we had ever taken, all the other trips were business trips that only my parents would go on, at the age of three I had already learned to cook and bake because I didn't want my parents to do that for me, they worked at a job were they had to work long hours, really early in the morning till late at night, the time that they would usually arrive home was at eleven to twelve, although the reason I had learned how to cook and bake was not because I had to, but rather watching them one time, it had felt like something inside of me had unlocked, a few days later when I tried baking a blueberry cheesecake, all the ingredients had almost fallen off, then when they were about to, they stoped falling, and were instead hovering there, my parents saw this and we figured out that I was a psychic, although all I could do was telekinesis, telepathy, and clairvoyance, I figured out how to control these powers better by cooking, I would use my telepathy to see if they wanted any baked goods, and if they did I would go over to their house and give them some. They always loved me for this. But then came the day when I started to work, a few years ago, when I was ten, my parents decided to take a three day break from their jobs and said that we were going on a little family trip since we had never been on one, on the way to our destination, a car was speeding past when it should not have been, my father drove the car straight into it, the ambulances arrived and saw our positions, mother and fathers necks were broken, as well as mothers arms and spine, and fathers skull was also broken, I only broke my arm, I was rather smart for my age so I knew that they were dead, especially because there were no thoughts coming from them, the police came and asked if I wanted to go to an adoption centre or let the neighbors take me in I said neither and explained to them that I know how to cook, clean, bake, and how to do things as if my parents were still there, I explained that I could take care of myself because of it, and they just agreed. So then after that incident I changed my house to have the first floor as a little bakery and the second floor as my house were I slept and showered and ate along with all that stuff, the business started gaining popularity, but soon I decided to move from South Korea to Japan, I closed down the business and went on my way to japan, I bought  a house and changed it quickly to be the first and second floor as a place for customers, the third floor to be my house, and the attic to be a spare bedroom for if I hospitalized anyone, I went over to one of the neighbors houses and knocked on their door, I had some cakes and coffee jelly in hand to give to them, a young woman opened the door and asked if I was the new neighbor, "Hello! Are you the new neighbor? You look so young!" "Yes I am your new neighbor, I brought you some cake and coffee jelly as a gift" "Awww! That is so sweet of you! Come inside" "O-okay" I walked inside and was rather amazed at their house, in my house it was just a little cafe with what was sort of a library on the second floor, but this house was homey, it was nice and bland, and not to decorated, "Wow, I like your house! It's really pretty" "Thank you!" "You can just put the cakes and jelly on the counter, how about what your doing with your house?" "Ah, it's a cafe so that I can have enough money to live on, since it's three story's instead of two like my old one, I decided that I would put a sort of a library on the second floor, and have my house on the third floor, the first floor is for a normal cafe style." "Oh my gosh! It must be so pretty! Have you finished decorating?" She asked me with a huge tone of excitement "Not yet, but I will be finished with it all tomorrow" "I hope you have a good day! Also what school are you going to?" "PK Academy" she seem3d rather happy about this "MY SON GOES TO THE SAME SCHOOL!!! You two will become friends! I know it! Thank you for visiting us...?" "Ah! My name is Y/n Kuro, what is your name?" "Well, my name is Kurumi Saiki! Just call me Kurumi!" "Okay! Have a great day Kurumi!" After I delivered the cakes and jelly I went back to my cafe house to continue with my decorating, on the first floor it looked like one of those cafes that is right out of a story book, I tried to go for a earthy aesthetic kind of vibe, so I had the lights sorry of dim with little vines around them, I put some vines on the walls and door as well, the windows were lined with flowering vines and I put a lot of flowers outside the cafe, it looked rather magical, with the suns rays pouring in from the windows as well. On the second floor I did something similar, but with book shelves separating each booth and it had a little balcony so that the customers could also go outside for their cakes, on the third floor, or the house floor, I did more of a cottage core vibe and I stuck little mushrooms around as well, of course in the potted plants tho! Since I was more of a quiet person, it passed the vibe check. An hour later I decided to put it as open, it was the weekend, the day before I would go to school for the first time, I'm not really used to being in a crowded place. When I finished setting up, I went over to the Kurumis house again and knocked on her door, again, she answered and I asked her if while I was at school she could watch the cafe for me, she agreed and I thanked her deeply, of course she asked to see the cafe as well, "Wow! It's so magical looking! It's like it came right out of a fantasy book!" "Well that makes sense, I was aiming for that vibe" "Wait... how did you do all of this in an hour?!?!" "Hm? Oh, that's because I'm a psychic!" "Makes sense, hey did you know that my son is also a psychic!" "Ooh! Cool!" "You two are going to be the best of friends! Maybe even girlfriend and boyfriend!" "... Ah, it seems it has happened once again..." your smile faded slowly as you looked down at the floor "Eh? What happened again?" "See, the thing is... I'm not a girl, I'm a boy" she looked at me shocked and confused, and then her expression turned to something that seemed like it was guilt "I am so sorry! I didn't realize!!!" "Chill out! It happens all the time!" "Ah, okay then. You should totally have us over for dinner then! Also were is all the cakes and jelly stored?" "The jelly is stored in the many fridges, there are recipe books for if you need to make something because it ran out in the cupboards, and there is a kitchen behind the red door, well, more like a kitchen as well as a pantry, because that is also where I keep all of the ingredients, and then you just put the cakes and things in the display cases and on the stands! And you take them out and serve them! Although they aren't the take away type, you have to eat it here, or since your my neighbor, you just have to return it the next day!" "Awwwww! Your so sweet! Almost as sweet as cake!" A smile creeps onto your face as she embraces you "But I have one last question" "Go ahead" "Do I get paid?" "If you want, if you do want to be paid the it will be half of what is made here" "Can I get paid with sweets instead?" "I never thought of that! Sure!" "Also the dinner thing?" "Yes, your family can have dinner here, when you arrive just walk up the stairs and meet me on the third floor, but what time?" "At eight?" "Sure! That can be arranged!" "Wonderful! And I will make sure to watch the cafe when ever you are gone!" "Thank you! See you then!" After she left you wonder what you should make for dinner, it is in eleven hours though, so you shouldn't worry about that for now. You open the cafe and a group of people is walking by, they enter and ask if it is open you tell them it is, they order something and ask what is on the second floor, you tell them what it is and that they'd can also go up there, just not onto the third floor, you prepare their orders and bring a tray of cakes, jelly and tea to their table, when you go back down you wait for any more customers and a few more people enter and order, they are all scattered around the cafe and when it's closing time you pack up and wait for the rest of the people to leave, you now have one hour before they come over for dinner, you use your telekinesis to clean the tables and floor and you start making dinner, you also gave Kurumi-san a spare key to the third floor. An hour later and you see them exiting their house, there are three people, you quickly put something nice on and finish with dinner you already set the table before so you just place the bowls and plates of food down and wait for them to get to the third floor, the door opens and you see Kurumi-san and her family, "Hello Kurumi-san! And Mr.Saiki and Saiki! I just finished preparing! Please this way" "It's a really nice place you've got here! Did you do this yourself?" "Yep!" "Honey, she did this within an hour!" 'What, how is that possible' 'I'm a psychic, just like you!' "So your a psychic" you smile at the fact that he said it aloud "Yep! But we should probably start eating so that the food doesn't get cold" "true! Oh! And, he goes to PK Academy with you Ku! And while he is at school, I get to watch over the cafe and serve people! There is an elevator and cameras and a conveyor belt to deliver the food, I just have to write the table number on a paper and they can get their order! It also circles around so if they miss it they get another chance at grabbing it! Although all the orders are on one trey." You smile with a full mouth, happy that she seems to be excited for working here, you wonder why she would be excited though, but it doesn't bother you, just as long there is someone to watch over the cafe.

A/n : Hi, I hope that you can visualize things. Have a good day/night or whatever! Also quick heads up, the classmates got him mixed up because they thought that he was a girl, that is why it is like that in the description.

Quiet|| Male y/n x SaikiWhere stories live. Discover now