First day|| 01

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                                                                                            Y/n POV

I was woken up by my alarm letting me know that it was time for me to get my ass out of bed and get ready, I made some really pretty bento 🍱, and because I had found out how much Saiki likes coffee jelly, I packed a few for him, I also made some cake for my home room classmates, I made sure to make multiple types just in case anyone had any allergies, Saiki and Kurumi-san appeared a few minutes after I had got my shoes on and packed the cake, I checked with her to make sure that she remembered how to do it, then me and Saiki were on our way to school, his friends joined up with us and introduced themselves, "Hi! I'm Nendou, wanna get some ramen?" "And I'm Kaido Shun, but that's just my undercover name... I'm actually the jet black wings! But don't tell anyone, but since your life is now at risk, I will be your hero!" This guy clearly has a strict parent, and probably trauma as well, hm, I'll book him for some therapy in a few  days and say that we're having a study session to whoever his guardian is. "Nice to meet you Nendou, jet black wings! My name is Y/n Kuro, at your service." You said, bowing your head, "Hey, umm... not to be rude, but, what gender are you?" You chuckle, you found this question funny, because everyone would normally just assume your gender, "I am a man" Kaido-kun seemed shocked at this, "WHAA?!?! But you look so feminine!!!" You simply just chuckle then sigh and continue walking to school.

"Please, come in and introduce yourself" as you walk in you feel everyone's eyes on you, "My name is y/n Kuro, at your service" 'she looks like a goddess' 'I wonder if she's single' 'she looks even better then Teruhashi!' "..." I'm not a girl, you sigh mentally guess I better tell them "Also one thing, I'm a boy, not a girl" you felt everyone screaming in their minds, all something like what or how, but you pay no mind to it, the teacher speaks up, "go and sit behind Saiki, the pink one" you walk over to your new desk and sit down, then your teacher begins their long lesson. Finally! I got everyone some cakes and stuff! You stand up and quickly give everyone in your class a little cake, you had also found out that no one in your class was allergic to anything, so that was good, they all then thank yo and go to their friends to sit down and eat. Kaido comes over and invites you to sit at their desk, but you decline because you don't want to be close to all of the noise, so instead you tell him that your actually going to eat on the rooftop and say bye to him. You get to the rooftop and sit down, when you open up your ✨flamboyant✨ bento, a few moments after you started eating Saiki teleports in-front of you, asking if he can sit down next to you, "Can I sit here?" Sure "Why don't you just say that out loud?" Because I'm eating "Anyways, got any coffee jelly?" Oh yeah, I have some for you, here, you hold out a little box to him and he opens it, in which he grabs a spoon that seemed to come out of thin air, and starts eating the coffee jelly. You really like coffee jelly, don't you. yup, it's the best thing. 


When school ended you walked up to Saiki and asked if he wanted to walk home together, he just stayed silent, so you took that as a yes. On your way home, Kaido-kun and Nendou catch up to you two and asks if you all wanted to go get some ramen, "Ah, sorry, I need to work after this" "Awwh, well what about you pal? Wanna go get some ramen?" "Sorry, but no" "Awww! Well see you tomorrow then!" You hadn't even realized that you were so close to home, "By Nendou!". As you arrived at the cafe, you saw that there were a fair amount of customers, you went up to the third floor and put all of you things away, got into your uniform and went downstairs to help, as it turns out, Kurumi-san got her husband (Sorry I can't remember his name) to go out and tell a few people about it but only few, you were happy to have them as neighbors, they were some of the best people that you could imagine, you helped out for another two hours, then Kurumi-san had to leave, and after another hour you closed the cafe. You went upstairs and took a long shower, then got dressed and made some more cakes and jelly to give to them, you wrap them in a nice box and knock on their door, Saiki answers and you hand him the box to put in the fridge as a thanks. Then you go back home and you start making dinner, as your wondering what you should make for dinner Kurumi-san knocks on your door and asks if you would want to have dinner at their place every night, you express your gratitude, "Hello y/n! We were wonder if you wanted to have dinner at our house every night, so long as you bring something" you were happy that they invited you over, their family reminded you of happiness, "Ah! Sure Kurumi-san! I'll make something right away!" "Wonderful! Here, I'll wait for you!" You smile at the fact that she would wait for you, she reminds you of the on thing that you haven't had for six years, and thing is family love, you were happy that most people out there still had a family, it brought a glow of happiness to your dull heart, Saiki was lucky to have these people as his parents. After a good twenty minutes or so you and Kurum-san finally left and went to her house. 

The food she makes is really good, then they ask if they can ask me something, "Hey y/n?" "Hm? Yes?" "Where are you parents?" You just look at them, like they had just killed a bunch of people, but you quickly regained your composure, "... My parents died when I was ten" they stared at me with horror, except for Saiki, he just stared at me, "O-oh my gosh! I am so sorry for bringing them up!" "Eh? Oh, it's fine, I've gotten over it, after all it did happen six years ago" You smile at them, acting as if everything was okay, but you knew that you really missed them, "Lucky you, I have to deal with these two all the time" you just stare at him, suddenly, all of your anger that you had been holding back bubbles up, you manage to hide most of it, but it still takes control of you, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!? THEY ARE YOUR FUCKING PARENTS! THEY CARE ABOUT YOU AND LOVE YOU! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!?! What if they died?! Huh! What would you do without them, you would miss them! You wouldn't be happy anymore! You would be depressed for fucking days. What the actual fuck, is wrong with you" he just stared at me in shock, like the look that I had on before, when they first brought up the topic, of course you quickly regained your composure, trying not to yell at him even more.


After we all finished dinner and cleaned up, you went home and took another shower, you brushed my and then headed to bed. You lay there for a while, wondering if you had done the right thing, you hoped you did, but you also hoped that they were all right, and it seems that Saiki heard your doubts of wether or not you did the right thing, he told you that he was surprised by your sudden outburst, but you did the right thing, he said that you were right, he would miss them if they died, and he shouldn't have said that, you guys had a little bit of a talk, then you finally drifted off to sleep.

A/n : With the whole parents dead thing, I do not speak from experience of having them dead, and if you know what it is like to lose someone, then I hope the best for you.

Quiet|| Male y/n x SaikiWhere stories live. Discover now