Empires smp/witchcraft smp oneshot-Witching ceremony

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Empires smp/witchcraft smp oneshot
Witching ceremony

I smoothed my newly white hair and placed my hat down on the bed next to tortoise. 

"Oh tortoise. Today is the day! I finally choose what I want my primary witch craft to be! Being the fog witch was fun... but then again that wasn't really me. I think I know what I'm gonna choose." i hurried out the door and rushed to the hall of elders, passing the portrait of headmaster Nowls. Ughh I'm so glad he isn't around anymore.

*witching ceremony*
"Witch Shelby placed in the Evermoore"

I stood up and walked to the podium nervously.

"Shelby, while in the Evermoore you committed acts of theft, arson and dimension hopping. For these crimes you won't be graduating the witches academy. 

My jaw dropped. They sent me a letter saying those charges had been lifted because it was the skulk doing those things!

"However, we have proof from Lord Sausage of Sanctuary that he revived and uncorrupted you and that you fought the control of the skulk found in the Evermoore and was spread by Cubfan but you managed to break it. therefore these charges have been dropped. Congratulations Shelby. You are, a witch.

I watched in surprise as my classmates gave a standing ovation and I was handed my certification.

"Now Shelby. What witchcraft have you chosen to master?" The headmistress asked

I took a deep breath "While under the control of the skulk, I was forced to learn fog magic which I didn't want to do. But after spending time with Joel, the God of the Sky and Ruler of Stratos, I have decided to learn, Storm Magik!" I beamed with pride. This was a good day.

*time skip 3 years*
I heard the faint click of a letter in my mailbox. Strange. I almost never get letters while travelling in my van. I walked out and opened my mailbox to see a note, with the witches academy logo on it. "Wow," I thought. "I haven't seen this logo in 3 years! i should probably go back and visit soon" I opened up the letter and begun to read.

Dearest storm witch

you have been chosen to participate in the witching event of the century......


just a short little empires/witchcraft one shot to hopefully get my creative juices flowing again. 

-Mysty <3

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