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Spencer's pov:
I was slightly overwhelming as the sweet doctor started to pack up pretty much everything within the hospital room.
„Can you please repeat one more time what we are doing?" I question. An embarrassed blush overtakes my whole face, not at all used to not understand so much. Instead of being pissed that I yet again asked Pascal to repeat himself, he only smiles lovingly and takes a seat next to me on my bed.
„There was someone trying to harm you here and as you know we can't allow that. Correct?" he slowly says as i nod my head. Not wanting anyone to hurt me after all. The smile of his makes me feel all giddy, especially since he seems so lovingly towards me. Something I sadly am not really used at all towards any of that. Of course my darling sister always loved me, that is absolutely out of question, but she sadly seems to be the only one to do so. Maybe Derek to, but that's more of best friends vibe, which is something else.
A hand on my cheek throws me out of my head and back to the here and now.
„There you are." Pascal whispers adoringly. My cooled off cheeks yet again warm instantly with a blush.
„Hi." I giggle as my belly erupts with butterflies at the way he looks me in my eyes, his right hand still caressing my cheek.
„Hey. You want me to keep going or no?" he asks softly. Truly seeming to be fine if he needs to keep on explaining as well as fine if I was going back to sleep. That's maturely why I don't care for pain medication that much. It always makes me extremely tired and confused as my brain seems to no longer work properly.
„Please?" I reply quietly. Still pretty embarrassed, yet happy that pascal is this close to me and even more so, that he seems more than ok with it also.
„Of course baby." he says as if it's the most normal thing to say. My whole body nearly vibrating it absolutely euphoria!
„So to keep you all safe, your boss decided to bring the two of us, along with two others, to a secret destination. That's also why I got to pack everything we might need up to bring along." he keeps on talking as I simply look at him. Loving to hear his voice as he still caresses my cheek and focuses solely on me and my reaction.
„You good baby boy?" he whispers with a small chuckle. Surly realizing that I didn't fully get what he was telling me simply because my focus was way too much on him to even register what words left his mouth.
„Mhm. You stay with me." I tell him quit proudly that I at least figured out the most important thing. His low chuckle makes me giggle along without a care. Way too giddy to question my own behavior.
„That is correct. I am gonna stay with you. But first I need to finish pack everything up. Is that ok baby?" pascal States lovingly. He also squeezes my right hand with his other one.
„Ok." I sigh, rather sad that he is going to leave my side now. The pout also makes its way on my lips without a way to stop it. Just than I get pulled into a tight embrace, his warm breath caresses against my throat makes me shudder in awareness.
„No need to pout my sweet boy, I am only packing up and then I am right back by your side. Why don't you rest in the mean time?" pascal soothingly whispers right against my ear, which makes me whimper needy.
„I know, I know. But first we got to talk when your head isn't all fuzzy from the pain meds. Not gonna do anything without 100% consent." pascal softly explains and pulls slightly back, as my heart nearly breaks, is he going to leave now?
„You are fine baby, I only don't want to cross a line while you are all fuzzy. So let's take a deep breath and rest for a bit. We can even cuddle after I finished packing up and later on in the evening, you should be able to think more straight again. Which means we may be able to talk more clearly and therefore see what the both of us hope or wish for in the future." he soothingly says. His eyes full of understanding as well as hope. Slowly, he leans forward and kisses my forehead softly.
„Rest a bit sweet boy, I am afraid the drive to this secret hide out is going to be stressful for your already hurt body." he adds in slight worry. So to not worry him even more, I simply nod my agreement and lay back down on the bed.
„Thank you." he quietly says as he once again kisses my forehead before he went back to packing up all this stuff.
„Can you do me a favor? Could you watch your college for a few? I need to grab some more medication just to be safe." I hear Pascal ask and shortly after the door gets closed again.
„How are you feeling Spenc?" JJ questions as she takes a seat next to my bed. Her eyes seem worried as well. Something that's rather unusual to be honest.
„I am fine. My head feels all fuzzy but other than that, I am feeling alright." I tell her as she smiles and takes my hand carefully.
„Can you try and stay out of trouble while you get into hiding?" she nearly begs as I nod again in agreement.
„Thank you Spenc! I couldn't live with myself if you would go and play all hero again while, none of us would be able to help you." she sadly says. Definitely not too happy at all that she along with the rest of the team won't be close to me for the foreseeable time.
„I am sure Derek won't allow me to do anything stupid." I tell her in the hope to calm her worry down, at least some.
„I know, still. Try to think of us before you do something too dangerous." she adds with a wink as I only agree, not wanting to start a fight before we won't see each other for quit some time.
„You ready Spencer? It's time to get going?" Agent Sullivan asked. I only know him from the time Hotchs family was a target and he was the one that handled everything and in the end safed the whole family. Ever since then him and Hotch are incredibly close. Therefore it's not that much of a surprise that he was the Agent that will be handle our hiding. Just than Pascal enters the room as well with a rather big duffel bag.
„Sorry, I tend to pack too much, but I simply want to have more than enough medication on us. Especially since we have no idea where we are going or for how long." he says slightly embarrassed. Seeing him like this only makes my heart swell even more for him.

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