Missing clues

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After Nia left, Isaac went to the office to tell Xavier about what he had experienced at Nia's house. He was now convinced there was something supernatural going on there.

He told him what he felt and saw in the house last night and the memories Nia shared. Then, it was time to review the details of the investigation.

According to historical records, the ritual is complete when a total of nine murders are committed, the perpetrator taking a token of each victim as a symbol of the power he or she is gaining.

Based on the mutilations of the victims from four years ago and the ones found so far this time, they concluded that the ritual involves the sacrifice of three druids, three virgins, and three werewolves.

Late last night, a new body was found, and from what Xavier collected, it was an emissary of a pack visiting Bourges. He disappeared three nights ago, and his body appeared less than 5 miles from town.

Last time, the string of murders stopped abruptly four years ago, after the night of the tragedy in the McKinson house. Back then, six victims were registered, and three remained.

Patricia was a practicing druid, and from the growl Nia remembered of that night and Xavier's suspicions, they concluded Michael was a werewolf. 

That meant that Nia was probably the missing virgin victim, and the serial killer was planning to finish its ritual all in one that sinister night and got interrupted by something or someone.

Deaton had emailed Isaac two days ago to inform him that he found information on an old ritual performed mainly by hunters to become more powerful and gain supernatural abilities. This didn't surprise Isaac as he had seen what Gerard tried to do for power.

"OK, now we have a good idea of the "why." Given that we have seven dead bodies now and based on the mutilations, the killer only needs one virgin and one werewolf to complete the ritual this time around," indicated Xavier.

Braeden looked at Isaac, a bit concerned. "Hey, you might deny that you are a werewolf and not using your abilities, but you are still a possible victim, so please be careful." Isaac nodded.

This is week three after Isaac arrived in Tonerie. In three more weeks, the Super Moon will shine; with it, the serial killer will most likely strike and try to finish the ritual.

Given the awkwardness of their last encounter, Isaac has not stopped by the bakery in the past three days. On the other hand, Braeden has been enjoying Nia's pastries and company. 

Nia is strong but still maintains a sweet and caring personality.

"Good morning, Braeden! You want the usual?"

"Yeap, thanks for already knowing what I like!" said Braeden winking at Nia. However, she couldn't help noticing that Nia seemed a bit upset.

"Hey, are you OK?"

"Yes, just living, you know!" said Nia with a forced smile.

"Nia, I know we barely know each other, and it might not be my place, but if you feel off because of Isaac, please talk to him. You might be his last chance to realize that he doesn't need to close himself to the world."

"I don't think I am correct to talk to him about that. 

First, because I am doing the same, if you don't let anyone in, you don't hurt when they leave you. 

Second, we have only known each other for three weeks, and even though I won't deny that I felt the chemistry between us, it is obvious he doesn't feel the same. 

I can't ask him to change his plans for nothing."

"I have the feeling you two could make this work, but I am not Dr. Phil, so I will let you guys figure it out." They both gave each other a smile and agreed to switch subjects.

When Braeden arrived at the Police station, she decided to speak her mind.

"Isaac, you are an absolute idiot, you know that right?" sighed Braeden talking to her friend.

"You missed the perfect move. Nia is interested in you. You might want to play stupid, but I have noticed how your eyes get when you talk about her. 

You are here, don't miss the chance to try to build something meaningful and stable for you. 

Come on, Isaac, don't you think you finally deserve some happiness?"

"No, I don't. That wouldn't be fair to her. You know what I am; she doesn't need to be near the supernatural. 

I am trying to live a normal life, but that doesn't mean I won't face weird and dangerous s**t later, and I can't put her in jeopardy. She is fine here. 

I just want to catch the killer to make sure she is safe, and then I can return to my quiet library life without attachments and loss."

Braden rolled her eyes at Isaac; how come two people could be so clueless and stubborn? 

Nia and Isaac were both head over heels for each other ... if they could only see the clues those around them noticed already.


Please let me know what you think so far. this is my first time writing one of these stories, so no idea if I am doing a good job!? Your comments and ideas will help! Thanks!

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