Teach Me

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"You want me to teach you... to flirt?" The blond boy leaned back in the gaming chair which he had at his desk. He had been studying for a few hours before I had interrupted his work to inquire about how to flirt. His math homework had moved fairly low on his priority list all of a sudden. Attention now on me.

I was splayed out on Kei's bed with a few reading books scattered around me. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. My phone charging on Kei's nightstand.

"Yeah. I suck at it."

Kei raised a curious eyebrow with a teasing smirk. I could sense the phrase that he was about to utter before he even opened his mouth. At least he had the decency to adjust his glasses first.

"You suck?"

"Tsukki..." I pul my lips into a tight line to display my contempt. I know Kei would never make such a joke in a group setting, but had a tendency to let go of maturity when we are alone. It is a blessing and a curse.

"Okay, bad joke." Kei put his hands up lazily in defeat. He let his arms fall onto the back of the chair as he propped his head onto his hand.

His expression fell into a regular grin as he eyed me up and down for a moment.

"You want just the flirting or the whole 'attractive person' thing?" Kei focused on my face again, tilting his head in thought as his expression fell again into a neutral one.

"Yes." I answered sarcastically.

"Damn, who are you trying to impress?" He let out a soft chuckle, standing up.

Next thing I knew, my friend was sifting through his own clothes to find some outfits. A minute or so passed and a outfit was plopped onto the bed.

"This should work for you."

I picked up the articles of clothing to examine them.

A black polar neck with some white jeans and a golden chain necklace.

"You want me to change into this right now..." It was late at night. The curtains were closed but I could hear the faint sound of crickets outside. The wind was practically howling too.

"You want to learn to attract people, dressing nicely is part of it."

"What if I don't like it?"

"Then we find something you do. Put it on first."

I fianlly relented, getting off of Kei's bed to put the outfit on. My friend busied himself with moving some items around to clear some space on a wall as I changed. Only occasionally making eye contact with me and smiling just to embarass me. It worked too.

I was surprised the clothes fit as snuggly as they did. As I finished up, Kei placed a tall mirror in front of me. So that's what he'd been looking for.


I looked at my reflection and played with the hem of my pants.

"Seems a bit too... Goth?"

"Take off the top, I'll find something better."

I stripped the polar neck and tossed it onto the bed as Kei dug around in his cupboard. Eventually he found a pastel green polar neck.

"Hurry up, it's cold." I hugged myself to warm up, covering my exposed chest with my arms. Usually I'd be self conscious but I know Kei doesn't really care about how I look.

"Yeah, yeah." Kei walked over and coaxed me to put my arms up so he could slide the new polar neck over my body. Frigid hands fixed the neck of the jersey and pulled the chain over the front of it.

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