Miguel o hara?

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Y/n[silk] pov
It's been years since the portal incident, and I hope that it won't happen again , I can't bear to lose another person . I was in M.J.'s house, baby sitting a 5 year old May now. " Tita Y/n!" May came up to me with a drawing of Silk and Spider, man." Look, it's you and Daddy!" she smiles warmly at me while I gave her head pat with a smile on my face " That's very good may " I said kneeling down at her " but remember we have to-" I got cut off by her giggles " keep your identity a secret,I know tita " she smiled while I kissed her on the head " Your such a cute kid May " I said hugging her " ahh! Tita! " she giggles in my arms." Ang cute ,cute mo!" I said, spinning her around [ you're so cute cute] May giggled as she hugged me." When's mommy going to be home? "

I looked at the clock that said 3:20pm now " Soon just another 10 mins left May " I said putting her down " Okay, can I have a snack now Tita " She asked while I nodded " Yeah you can have a snack now anak" [ child ] " Yeah " she said as she head in the kitchen while I shake my head smiling at the young girl .

I felt my spider sense going on, but it didn't feel like it was something dangerous was happening it felt like there was someone like me. I walked to the nearby window and looked out of the sky, checking out where it was coming from .I opened up the window to get a better look around. " Tita! " May shouted from the kitchen , I closed the window, still not sure of what I was feeling in my spider sense as I went in the kitchen and said May with two popsicle stick

" Here you go, tita, I know you like the grape flavor, one better," She said, handing me the grape flavor popsicle as she took a bite of the spider man popsicle , " Thanks kid, how about we watch my little pony now " May nodded as she head to the living room excited as she jumped on the couch happy making me chuckle a bit .

I sat right next to her as I put on my little pony on the TV

♧ A few hours later ♧

M.J. came home with a sleeping May on my lap as I watched the local news " Hey n/n." M.J. put her coat on the ground as she dragged herself to the couch. " Hey Mary," I said, looking at her tired state ." How was work?" I smiled at her
" Tiring," she sighed as she looked at the sleeping May. "How was she today?" M.J. kiss May on the head

I shrugged. " Same old same old," I said, smiling looking down at her . " She reminds me so much of Peter sometimes," M.J mumbles, giving a sad smile. " Yeah, she does, " I smiled

Mary put a hand on my shoulder ." You know you are always free to live here with is N/n." I grabbed a hold of her hand. " Thanks for the thought, but I think it's best not to live you and May since I can't rist putting the two in danger, Mary, " I sigh as Mary gave me a sad nod " I know but it's been years since his death, I just don't want you to be lonely N/n "

I nodded. " I know, but yours and May's safety comes first , I'll be fine." I put a blanket on May before standing up ,Mary nodded with a smile as she gave me a hug goodbye." See later on friday?" she smiled while I laughed a bit
" Miss out on movie night never," I joked as she laughed while we walked towards the door
" See you later, Mary ," I said, walking away as Mary shut the door .

I was now walking through the neighborhood, finding a place to change into my spider suit.I found an abandoned building and went inside and changed .When I was fully in my suit, I felt my spider sense went on again with the same feeling, I felt when I was with May.I put on my masked and shot up a web trying to find where it was coming from .When I was trying to detect where it was , it felt like it wanted me to follow it, when my spider sense finally stop I was at my house " What, why would it lead me here" I whisper to my self as I felt a present behind me

I turn around and shoot out a web out of my fingertips towards the man the man in blue and red . The man in blue tries to cover himself with his spike thingings on his arm, but it stuck on him as I pulled the web, causing him to come towards me. " Who are you?!" I said as he kicked him on the jaw . The man grabbed me by the leg, causing me to lose balance. " Hold, I'm a good guy," he said as he held my leg, causing me to punch him on the face, causing him to let go of my leg

' His voice..' I thought ' That's what they all say, " I said, circurling him on my rooftop, keeping my distance towards him." Alright, alright, I'm gonna take off my masked, okay Y/n?" He said with his hands up at me, ' who the hell is he and how the fuck he knows my name' I thought keeping my guard up as I glare at him .When he took off his mask my eyes widen..he looks like Miguel but not my Miguel, this Miguel is more buff and have fangs in his teeth .I took a step back shocked

" Who are you ...." I said in a angry tone thinking it could be a villain playing with me " Miguel o hara " I took off my masked with anger in my eyes " No you are not him, he's dead for nearly 3 years now now I asked you again WHO ARE YOU"  I said nearly shouting at him as I felt my body starting to break by the sight of him
" I am Miguel o hara fron earth 928 "

I tilted my head at him" earth 928?" I said confused as he showed me a gadget on his arm that looked like watch " This device allows me to travel through universe " I looked at him still unsure if I should trust him or not .
He saw the look I was giving as he sigh and started to press button on that watch thinging creating a small portal " Nagsasabi
ako ng totoo love "
[I'm telling the truth love ]

BTW this what you look like for this story

BTW this what you look like for this story

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☆I'm not her☆||Miguel o hara x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now