Picnic table

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The day had come that the group had agreed upon to meet. Aden wore black ripped jeans with a Metallica shirt that Eddie had given them on their one year anniversary, it still smelled like him due to the amount of time the two spent together. Aden walked down the desolate streets of Hawkins, nearly everyone had fled the town after the "earthquake" back in march. 

He couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone following him though, they couldn't explain it but it felt like they weren't alone. A shadow moving between the trees in the corner of his eye, or a twig snapping behind him but always gone before Aden could catch it.

As they started to walk into the forest behind the school he could already faintly hear the chatter of his friends making conversation. Finally reaching the table everyone fell quiet, looking at him kindly before Dustin flew into their arms. "We thought you wouldn't come" Steve spoke from where he was sat. "I'm so glad you did" Dustin spoke into their chest. "I'm glad I came too, it's good for me to finally leave my house." Aden said, hugging the younger boy back tightly.

Once Dustin finally let go the pair walked back to the table, each taking a seat on the bench with their friends. "So what have all of you been up to?" Aden asked, looking around at the people he hadn't seen since that dreadful day. "Rob and I have still been spending most our time at family video, the few people that are still here regularly come through." Steve spoke up, nudging the girl next to him at the mention of her name. 

"I've been running the local newspaper, since everyone who used to do so fled." Nancy chuckled. "I've been, planning campaigns... Like he asked me to." Dustin said  quietly, blinking away tears at the thought of Eddie's final request for him. "Seems like I'm the only one having done absolutely nothing." Aden laughed dryly, wiping away a tear of his own.

"You have every right to, you lost the man you love. You're allowed to mourn Aden." Robing comforted, walking around the table to kindly rub up and down their back as Aden let out their feelings. He looked around to be met with teary eyes from everyone, happy to know that he's not the only one destroyed by what happened to them.

The group talked and talked and talked until the sun went down, orange light filtering through the leaves on the trees. "We should get going, we carpooled and promised Claudia to have Dustin home before dark. Want a ride?" Nancy asked kindly. "I'm good, I think I'll stay here for a bit, it's nice here." Aden replied softly, smiling at their group of friends. "Alright, be careful going home dude!" Steve said after giving them a quick hug and starting to lead the group out of the forest.

The entire time Aden was there he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, someone in the trees stalking them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Once everyone was out of earshot and the place was dead quiet Aden took a deep breath, looking around to check if they were truly alone. He thought he could confirm that he was in fact alone, he saw a shadow move into sight from behind a tree. 

Aden's eyes were trained on the shadow, as it slowly moved closer it started to look slightly familiar. But no, it can't be. that's impossible! there's no way it's who he thinks it is, this must be someone playing some sick prank. The shadow continued forward, slowly but steadily. All images of that day flashed through Aden's mind and he's sure of it.

This can't be Eddie, Eddie died in front of him four months ago. And yet, with all realistic thinking, how can this mystery figure be anyone else? The silhouette was very clearly that of a tall, curly haired man with a guitar on his back. It can't be him, but who else could it be?

As the figure stepped closer to the light, all denial went down the drain when he spoke. 

"Hello my darling prince, did you miss me?"


Again a short chapter but less angsty, chapters should start being longer after this one. 

Love, -Author

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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