Chapter I.

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Scary word, isn't it?

Change ranges in so many possibilities and ways that I don't think anyone will ever understand.

From the change of the once bright, jade leaves to burnt orange and red; from the change of curling, blue waves to white, misty sea foam.

To once knowing almost everything to boom, almost nothing.

Well, that's at least what I was told.

Around 11 months ago, I woke up not knowing who a single soul was surrounding me. Was I confused? Yes. But was I scared? Hell no.

The doctors were wondering why I was so calm and collected when I found out what happened and didn't try to fight back. I wondered the same thing myself.

Even though I supposedly didn't know who was there and why they were there, I felt a connection.

For example, my mom and dad were sitting to the left of me, her head was on his shoulder and he was rubbing her back with soft touches back and forth. Before I freaked out and started asking questions, I took a deep breath and started analyzing.

Well, they both looked like they were in their late thirties, early forties maybe? Both wore clothes I for sure approved of, and they both seemed deeply in love with each other and whomever was the patient in that room.

And it just so happened I was the patient in that room.

It clicked. Those must be my parents! Did I have any idea who they were or what their first names were? No. But I knew they must be. Common sense.

When I guessed they were my parents they freaked, boasting about how I remembered them. It was hard, breaking the news I actually had no idea who they were, but they accepted it and we all got to know each other again just fine.

For months, my parents spent time reintroducing themselves, introduced me to all of the people who were my friends before the accident, introduced me to my high school, reassuring me I would love senior year.

And supposedly I was very much popular; and rich.

So, instead of being a depressed freak for not knowing anyone or anything, I took it as a new leap of faith.

A fresh, clean slate in life.

People always laugh when I say that because people constantly tell me I act like the same person I was before the accident. I shake my head and simply tell them I don't remember that girl, so therefore I am my own new person.

"Babe, you're daydreaming again." I heard in my ear as I was wiping down the tiny, oak wood table.

Did I mention that I had a boyfriend before the accident? Well, I did. And he's just a delight - all 6 foot 4 inches of him.

I dropped the towel on the table and put my arms over his around my waist. "Hm, sorry. I didn't sleep much last night."

"Dreaming about me again" the smirk on Brandon's face was not hidden as he left little kisses on my neck, "C'mon, let's get outta here. Senior year has only been over for a week and you're already busting your ass waitressing at this ol' cafe." 

Looking down at my watch, I did notice it was already 6:30, and my boss lets me usually go at 6. I had the dinner shift today.

"Ugh, you're right. But, I just happen to be making some mullah so you and I can go on that little weekend getaway you're always talking about" I said walking away to go get my purse.

He slapped my bum, "Babe, I hate when you try and pay for things. I told you I have no problem paying for the trip, and even if not, your parents would cover it."

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