She Likes Girls

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Abigail left you with the book and for the longest time you stare at those ugly letters. Was it true? Did the Baroness enjoy the fairer sex? That would be deviant....What about you? You are suddenly drawn deeper into your thoughts, did you like women? You hadn't had any female crushes before, perhaps you are confused then again you haven't had any male crushes. Then you met the Baroness. Those long shapely legs, the perky arse, her shapely hips, the bounty of her breasts, her elegant neckline and arrogant jawline, her cruel intoxicating lips, and those glassy blue eyes betrayed by those judgemental eyebrows, not to mention those cheekbones. You imagine walking up to her in the middle of one of her rants grabbing her waist and kissing her. It gets heated, and you are exploring each other's bodies- '(Y/n)!' the baroness throws your room door open, and you jump withdrawing your hand from between your legs and hiding the yearbook.

The Baroness frowns. 'Oh! Were you having a power nap? I did not mean to startle you awake.' Your face is bright red and flushed as hell. 'W-what, um, yeah, yeah, I was sleeping, napping I mean wide awake now.' you go to the little sink washing your hands and drying them. The Baroness studies you. 'Are you sick? You look very flushed. I simply can't be around you if you are ill.' She steps back. "Yeah, I've milf fever." you think to yourself. 'No, not at all, I am healthy as a horse, you just startled me.' you splash your face with cold water, and slowly your face returns to normal. 'What can I do for you Baroness?' you turn to her and smile. 'We are going to lunch, grab a coat.' she turns and walks out of the room. Your head tilts to the side to get a better look, you hate to watch her go but you love to watch her leave.

Okay, fine, you might be slightly curious about women.

What? Okay, more than slightly!

You grab your coat and run after the Baroness and catch up with her in the car you get in beside her. 'How do you feel your designs are coming along?' she asks without looking at you. 'Oh, um, okay I guess.' The Baroness sighs. 'Okay, is not going to cut it my dear I need results you will need to start coming by my room for private tutelage.' Your heart skips a beat. 'Of course, Baroness if that's what you wish.' You draw up at a fancy hotel and restaurant it's not the Ritz but the finishing school is very isolated so to find this hidden gem is more than you could have dreamed. The driver opens the door and she gets out you follow her. The place looks old but it's well-maintained and the front is covered in flowers. The waiter takes you both to a table there are a few parties placed all over the restaurant you have never been anywhere so fancy.Suddenly you are self-conscious everyone is dressed better than you, and you don't belong. 

'(y/n)?' the Baroness reaches over touching your hand. You instantly are lost in her bright blue eyes. 'Sorry, I just got distracted, the venue is lovely, you must dine in places like this all the time.' The Baroness smiles. 'I have always demanded the best.' her hand lingers on yours a little too long then she withdraws. Together you have a lovely day, drinking, eating, chatting, you sense it's been a while since she has had proper company. She occasionally gets too excited and lets her guard down only a little she also prompts you to speak, wanting to know more about you. The afternoon is lovely until a group of women around the Baroness's age walk in. The smile drops from your mentor's face, the women stare at her, the blonde with the bob makes a comment and the coven sneers and laughs at the private joke.

'Baroness?' no reply. 'Victoria?' you reach over touching her hand she snaps around and removes her hand like you are acid. In the process, a glass of wine is knocked over, and you quickly pick up the pieces of smashed glass putting them on the table. When you look up she is gone, as is the group. You get up and look around, the women have been seated at the table. 'You go to school with my daughters don't you, the Swan girls?' the woman's accent drips with poison. So this is Abigail's mother. 'Yeah.' you are in a staring competition with her and you won't let her win. She cups your face in her hands and you cringe. 'Be careful my dear, reputations once ruined are...almost impossible to repair. Ask your mentor.' You smile. 'Your hands smell like cheese, like the really bad smelly kind.' the woman's smile drops and a nasty sneer takes its place, she is gripping your face a little too hard now. 'Prudence, what colour of wine darling?' one of the women calls from the table she snaps out of it letting you go. 'Have a good day, dear.'

The psycho goes back to her table and you look her up and down with disgust. With no idea where the Baroness has gone, you wander outside she is already in the car her head pressed against the heel of her hand. You open the door yourself getting in the car beside her. 'Hey, why did you dash off?' you shuffle close to her. 'Drive.' she instructs the driver who starts the engine. 'Victoria?' you speak softly. 'What took you so long?! I have been waiting in the car to leave! I do not like to be kept waiting!' she explodes and you flinch drawing back from her. The ride home is awkward and silent neither of you looks at each other. When the car stops you both go your separate ways and she slams her room door shut. You flop onto your bed trying not to cry, you are upset she screamed at you.

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